Sugar addict...

I'm trying very hard to cut out sugar in my diet-- the kind in cake/candy/cookies etc. I'm allowing natural sources like fruit and dairy etc. However, I am having a tough time with all the snacks and goodies available at work at home. I hope to feel less sluggish with a secondary goal of looking good in my wedding dress (April!). Any help, suggestions and support are welcome.


  • jwatson7
    jwatson7 Posts: 58 Member
    Try to cut back slowly. If you try to cut everything out at once you'll crash and burn. Believe me i know. Chewing gum helps. At work it is hard to control what is brought in but at home the best thing to do is simply don't buy it. Can't eat it if its not there. I've started drinking hot chocolate to help satisfy the sweet tooth. There are some 100 calorie packs of cookies that are good. The amount of cookies in each pack are kinda small but it gets the job done. (of course if there were more it wouldn't be 100 calories now would it :). Good luck. You can do it!
  • I'm in the same boat as you- it doesn't help that there's a bakery at my work, and they leave free cakes and cookies in the break room. XP I started eating apples and grapes every time I wanted something sweet. I figure if I'm not hungry enough to eat a piece of fruit, I'm not hungry enough to nom on the cake. The Halloween sized candies help, too, when the sweet tooth gets to be too much.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I am here! Chocoholic would describe me. As everyone is bringing in stuff at work, bring a fruit tray or a veggie tray or other healthy snacks. I bet you will have people following you and then you won't be alone.

    It took me a while but most of my sweets come from fruit now. Once you are off the refined sugar you won't crave it. The holidays got me back on it and now I am getting off again.
  • I learned that sugarfree gum is awesome :) and it helps a lot with sugar cravings. I also found the longer you go without it the less and less you crave it in fact when you do have it again it doesn't even taste the same. Goodluck we are in the same boat. I'm giving up sugar because i know for me its best :)