Finding Time

Can anyone give me pointers on how to make time to work out? I get up at 5 am to get my husband and 3 kids ready to go and then get my self ready to leave when they are leaving to make it to work by 8. ( I have a 45 minute commute). I live in Florida so to workout or walk during my lunch is impossible because I will sweat and I work for the court system so I can't sweat off my makeup. I then come home around 6 to make dinner, eat and try and get into bed by 9:30-10 to start all over again. I feel like I can diet all I want but if I don't start moving this body, it is never going to get any better. Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks!


  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Well, I know you already get up super early - but can you manage a 4:30 wakeup? I did that last year just to find time to fit it all in. Can hubby help get the kids ready, too? Take some of the load off of you?
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Could your husband be in charge of getting dinner ready a couple of times a week so you can use that time to workout? Add that to something at the weekend - perhaps with the kids depending how old they are - and you could get in 3 sessions a week.

    Good luck!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Can anyone give me pointers on how to make time to work out? I get up at 5 am to get my husband and 3 kids ready to go and then get my self ready to leave when they are leaving to make it to work by 8. ( I have a 45 minute commute). I live in Florida so to workout or walk during my lunch is impossible because I will sweat and I work for the court system so I can't sweat off my makeup. I then come home around 6 to make dinner, eat and try and get into bed by 9:30-10 to start all over again. I feel like I can diet all I want but if I don't start moving this body, it is never going to get any better. Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks!
    It's not that you don't have time. You make fitness a priority, and you make time.

    Nobody ever once came to me and said they had some extra time on their hands and thought they'd get fit.
    People who make excuses usually find plenty of reasons to fail, then blame the world.

    You are better than that. Even President Obama finds the time.

    You can do this; ALL IS POSSIBLE!
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Get a sitter to help out a few times a week so you can work out and have some alone need to take care of yourself first.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I was going to suggest the same thing as Elizabeth posted. Maybe get up at 4:30 in order to fit in a quick 30 minutes. My 15 month old son wakes up around 7:30 am so I am up at 5:45 am to do my workout in my basement before he wakes up. I work part time and dont have to be work til 11 am but my morning is really busy between my workout, getting myself ready for work, getting him ready and fed and eating my breakfast and everything else i have to do before I leave the house.

    To make sure you do your workout, maybe even sleep in your workout clothes. Yes, I know it sounds weird but if you sleep in them and have your sneakers by your bed, all you have to do is get up and do it. Maybe buy a few exercise DVDs that are only 30 minutes long but will kick your butt and make it seem like you worked out for 1 hr. has really great videos for cheap prices. Also if you have a BJs Wholesale club near you (if you are a member) they also sell fitness DVDs for $5.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I have almost the same work schedule that you do & it is hard to find the time. "Making fitness a priority" is easy to say but isn't always easy to do. What am I supposed to do? Sit my 5 month old in a corner with a bottle & a dirty diaper & tell him to wait patiently while I get fit? Yeah, whatever. However, I do try to make steps...whatever steps I can at finding the time to exercise. I have a work out plan but there are times that it changes according to my child's needs. I just keep pursuing a healthy lifestyle & taking one step towards it at a time. As others have suggested I would try to get up earlier & I plan to try that tonight since I just joined the 30 day shred group. *gulp* :) You have to do get active & change your lifestyle. You can do it! As for President Obama, I'm pretty sure he has a full fitness center 2 doors down from his bedroom, a chef to make any healthy breakfast he wants & a nanny to get his kids ready for school. He's busy to the max but he does have perks the average joe doesn't have. With that being said, he could be lazy & use time as his excuse to not be healthy but he keeps at it. That's pretty admirable. :)
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    I used to do the morning work outs but recently have switched things up since my mornings tend to be busy. I now exercise around 7:15pm. This gives me time to get home from work , cook dinner, and hang out with the kids. 7:15 comes around i do my exercise and ask the kids to join in if they want. They usually get bored and go play in their room. I don't know how old you kids are but maybe have exercise be part of family time that way you can always fit it in.
  • demhareis
    Sneak it in like a snack. As long as you get it in ten minute bursts, you'll be fine.

    Get up ten minutes earlier in the morning to add a quick jog around the block before a morning shower. Take ten minutes after work to slip on your training shoes and do a brisk walk around the block before going home.

    Watch any TV? Either exercise while watching (one sitcon with commercials will give you your half-hour workout), or ditch TV entirely. I picked up an exercise bike for free, and now I pedal away while watching Big Bang Theory.

    Learn the value of a crock pot/slow cooker. Toss in meat & veggies in the morning, let it simmer along all day, then serve in the evening. Instead of taking time to prepare a dinner in the evening, spend ten minutes instead running around the back yard with the kids. (Hey! Quality time!)

    Also, you may benefit from High Intensity Interval Training. Packs a lot of punch into a little bit of time. There's tons of suggestions out there if you google, but I find a cycle of 8 seconds pushPUSHpush as hard as i can go followed by 12 seconds slow-as recovery time over the space of ten minutes burns about 60-70 calories.

    I know what it's like to be a working mom. The most important thing to remember is to take time out for yourself. You're working full time. Feel free to delegate some of that co-parenting and co-housekeeping stuff to your husband as well. If you're doing it all, you will burn out sooner or later.