Hi, everyone-looking for breastfeeding moms



  • busrider71
    I was a breastfeeding mom until about 7 months ago. I nursed my youngest until she was 31 months. I have nursed 5 kids and did not lose weight with any of them. Actually the opposite. I gained back what I had lost during childbirth and about 10 pounds on top of that. It would frustrate me when people would say "breastfeeding just makes the weight drop right off". I have always kept it on the whole time. Eat healthy take in the extra calories needed to maintain a goody supply add some exercise and give it time.
  • amysala85
    Hi Im Amy, been nursing since Sept 5th 2009, I then got pregnant on the IUD and nursed my daughter and son for a few months and for the last 10 months just my son, he is now a year, ive been exercising, eating healthy, and working my *kitten* off and marking everything I put in my mouth (though i always forget to add water). My home scale is broken, I weigh actually 6 lbs less then when I gave birth to my daughter. I feel great, I have more stamina, and I was sure I was 20 lbs lighter and weighed myself at my sons appt and was so shocked to see that huge number! I've cried because I feel like a failure, my exercise makes my son want to nurse more he loves it and I think he'll be like my older son who doesn't let go until he is almost 3! With him I saw I held onto the weight until nursing was done. Now i know my body is doing that, but being Im doing great exercising and have more stamina and love eating healthier, I have so much more energy and felt on top of the world until I put my feet on that scale. I feel so much smaller, pants are falling off, but the weight is not. Will I be in this for years (whenever he's ready to wean) and stay like this forever. I want to give up but I made myself a promise, I cannot eat much more food and my milk is good its greater then its ever been! I just feel like a HUGE failure!
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    Breastfeeding= health baby /healthy mommy! Plus it burns calories (can't really figure out the exact amount though)

    I am a breastfeeding mom-I am currently nursing in the evenings and the mornings (my daughter is 16 months old).

    Your milk supply will slow down as your child is probably not nursing as often.

    Drink lots of fluids and EAT!

    Wean if you are ready or if you feel your child is ready.

    You can still work out and burn extra calories but it will be really important to eat those back . I find that a Heart Rate Monitor is extremely helpful to determine the most accurate (as it can be) calorie burn count.

    Good luck!
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I was a breastfeeding mom until about 7 months ago. I nursed my youngest until she was 31 months. I have nursed 5 kids and did not lose weight with any of them. Actually the opposite. I gained back what I had lost during childbirth and about 10 pounds on top of that. It would frustrate me when people would say "breastfeeding just makes the weight drop right off". I have always kept it on the whole time. Eat healthy take in the extra calories needed to maintain a goody supply add some exercise and give it time.

    I have this same problem. My son is 32 months and still breastfeeds at bedtime, sometimes if he wakes in the night or early in the morning, and more often if he is sick or hurt. I am 100% willing to deal with the personal sacrifice for his benefit. I gained weight the entire first year while he was exclusively breastfed. Since then I have lost very little. I don't try to eat back the BFing calories since he really isn't eating that much anymore. I have never worked so hard for so little result before in my life! Over the last several months I have trained for and completed a half-marathon race, with crosstraining on my non-run days. I have definitely built a lot more muscle (more lbs on the scale), but the belly fat is hanging on for dear life no matter what I do. Could it possibly be because of the continued breastfeeding? Pre-baby I never had any problem dropping a quick 10 or 15 just by upping my activity a little.