New to this site--would love some support!

Hi everyone,

I'm 32 and am a chemical engineer living just outside of Philadelphia. I'm sort of new to this site (at least new to sticking with it for more than a day or two), and I have about 25-30 lbs to lose. I gained a little weight with each pregnancy (and before, after, and in between...) and am finally really committed to getting down to a reasonable weight. More importantly, I want to change my eating habits for the better, and just generally "live healthier" for the long term.

How does everyone find "friends" on here? I'd love to get in touch with other people with similar goals in the hopes of getting support to actually stick with it this time, but I'm not really sure how to go about finding anyone... Anyway, feel free to add me as a friend (jtromb01), and thanks for reading!
