Starting my journey

Hi all, my name is Tristin and I am starting my weight loss journey. I have been overweight pretty much all my life. I decided 2012 will be the year I make a change!

I have tried many different things and nothing has gotten me down more then 5 pounds...then I gain it all back. I am hoping this will be what I need to lose weight.


  • I am also starting this weight loss journey yet again too. Trying to have a different outlook this time. Instead of dieting seeing it as healthy eating. Good luck!
  • Thanks you too. Thats what I am doing. I am feeling pretty good about it too. It helps that my brother has also decided to lose weight (he wants to become a Marine). I decided I want to see if I can lose more weight then him. A silent competition. ;)
  • My sister and I are doing it together too. Figured we could yell at each other when we are eating the wrong things and not get mad at each other. :)
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    Feel free to add me! Me and my husband are working out together. I give great advice and am very supported:)