Don't take this the wrong way...



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    While there is definitely something to be said for the family eating around the table together, I bet eating on the run, while not the best option, isn't the main culprit. Its got to be what we eat. At times, I can't make time at work for a well balanced, sit down meal, stuff happens. In the past, when that heppened, I would fill up on soda and microwave popcorn, or wait until after work and fill up on fast food on the way home. Now, I have some cans of Campbells Soup in Hand (or whatever those things are called) and I pop one of those in the microwave instead. Not a great meal option, but much better. I also keep a few other healthier snacks in my desk. The main thing is to have healthy alternatives and to keep from getting so hungry that we take the fast food/order pizza option.