Tiring to eat a lot when you exercise

I started using this site today and since I workout a lot 6 times a week of P90X, I discovered I wasn't feeding myself enough, now my problem is, I felt I cannot eat all the calories I need today. So far, my required calories is 1930, done 1338 of exercise and it said I have 1027 remaining. I don't think I can't eat anymore. What should I substitute that won't fill me up too much? Thank you for your response in advance.


  • chicklidell
    I started using this site today and since I workout a lot 6 times a day of P90X, I discovered I wasn't feeding myself enough, now my problem is, I felt I cannot eat all the calories I need today. So far, my required calories is 1930, done 1338 of exercise and it said I have 1027 remaining. I don't think I can't eat anymore. What should I substitute that won't fill me up too much? Thank you for your response in advance.

    You do P90X 6 times a day? why?
  • carlachristinewhite
    Sorry, I meant 6 times a week. :laugh:
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    I know exercise is good and even essential, but 6x a day of p90x? that is a rigorous advanced workout from what i understand and is definitely not intended to be done 6 times a day. did u maybe mean 6 days a week?

    If you are ding p90x 6x per day i'd just say cut i down to 1x or 2 at the most (and even 2 is excessive) and that will level out the calories you need to eat. Over exercising can be as bad for your body as not exercising at all. Muscles needs rest and if you aren't eating enough protein to allow recovery then working out as rigorously isn't going to produce any benefits.

    HAHA - Edited because you replied as I was posting lol.

    Natural Almonds are a great way to eat up calories. They are good for you, provide healthy fats and aren't to filling. Just 1 z of almonds (about 24) is nearly 200 calories.

    You could also try a smoothie with whey protein or just ad whey to milk. This will boost protein which is great for muscle recovery and at the same time won't be as filling as trying to eat up 1000 calories.

    Maybe try working a little extra protein into each meal that way the extra calories are only amounting to a couple hundred extra per meal instead of 1000 at the end of the day. It's ok to leave 20-25% of exercise calories uneaten, but anything less than that is too much deprivation imo.

    Good job having such dedication. I've heard p90x is killer! I bet you are seeing some great results.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Ice cream!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I know you didn't ask, but you could always work out less. Don't get me wrong, working out is important not only to help tone and strengthen, but for your cardiovascular health. But six times a day? Are you giving your body any rest? Nutrition is the main ingredient in weight-loss....you can work out all day long and not lose a thing if you are stuffing your face with junk. On the flip side, you can eat healthy and lose weight without ever exercising (granted you'll be a little flabby, but still).

    If you cannot eat back all the calories you are burning off, I think it would be better to scale back your work outs a little. I love to get in a good work out now and then that burns like 600-900 calories, but on a regular basis I am content with a 250-400 calorie work out. It gets my heart rate up, it helps tone and strengthen and get me into shape, but I am not doing insane amounts that keeps me from wanting to stick with it. Good luck.

    Edit: Ok I saw your edit, whew, I was wondering when you slept, lol. To get in a lot of calories without having to eat a ton focus on calorie dense foods like peanuts, peanut butter, higher fat milk, other nuts, seeds etc. A couple spoonfulls of peanut butter, a few handfulls of nuts or seeds and a glass of milk isn't all that filling (meaning not a big meal that will make you stuffed) but it would be around 500-700 calories.
  • SocraticS
    SocraticS Posts: 19 Member
    Lean Body On the Go (zero sugar, lactose free) makes an award winning protein shake with only 7 grams of fat (4 grams of carbs). You drink about 14 ounces for 180 calories. I've tried a lot of these drinks and this line is so yummy I have them as my dessert sometimes, like when friends get an icecream I just freeze one of these or drink it cold. I'm thinking of trying them hot. Flavors: vanilla, cookies n cream (my least favorite), strawberry, chocolate fudge, banana. The same company has shakes with more calories. The thing is: they are expensive for most (3 dollars a bottle). Buy it by the case on-line. If you register with the company, you get like 30% off case.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Ice cream!

    You could always go this route too. Get a freebie cheat treat without going over calories. lol. Probably not the best choice, but certainly the yummiest as long as its not an every day occurence! haha
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    if you don't already drink a protein shake after your work out,that is a great way to get 400-600 calories.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    It would take me about 2 hours of very vigorous activity to hit 1300 (or maybe a 3 hour 'hard pace' bike ride). Are you sure your estimates for burn rate are correct?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    How long did you exercise to burn 1300+? That seems like a crazy high amount. I've done 700-800 before and usually I can't even move the next day.

    Regardless, anything high in fat is going to be great for calorie density. Oils and nuts are probably your best bet. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter is roughly 200 calories so that can add up really quickly, for example.
  • carlachristinewhite
    I know you didn't ask, but you could always work out less. Don't get me wrong, working out is important not only to help tone and strengthen, but for your cardiovascular health. But six times a day? Are you giving your body any rest? Nutrition is the main ingredient in weight-loss....you can work out all day long and not lose a thing if you are stuffing your face with junk. On the flip side, you can eat healthy and lose weight without ever exercising (granted you'll be a little flabby, but still).

    If you cannot eat back all the calories you are burning off, I think it would be better to scale back your work outs a little. I love to get in a good work out now and then that burns like 600-900 calories, but on a regular basis I am content with a 250-400 calorie work out. It gets my heart rate up, it helps tone and strengthen and get me into shape, but I am not doing insane amounts that keeps me from wanting to stick with it. Good luck.

    Edit: Ok I saw your edit, whew, I was wondering when you slept, lol. To get in a lot of calories without having to eat a ton focus on calorie dense foods like peanuts, peanut butter, higher fat milk, other nuts, seeds etc. A couple spoonfulls of peanut butter, a few handfulls of nuts or seeds and a glass of milk isn't all that filling (meaning not a big meal that will make you stuffed) but it would be around 500-700 calories.

    :laugh: I am just kind of freaking out coz I am using weight watchers, but worked out less, but I was losing weight, but now that I am doing p90x, with weightwatchers, i plateaued, I mean I may be building muscles, but I wanted to lose more weight still. Thanks for the input!
  • carlachristinewhite
    It would take me about 2 hours of very vigorous activity to hit 1300 (or maybe a 3 hour 'hard pace' bike ride). Are you sure your estimates for burn rate are correct?

    I did 58 minutes of Cardio Karate or Kenpo X which is 894 according to the calculator here and 60 minutes of Zumba which I categorized as Dancing Aerobics Twist which is 444 cals which I did today.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

  • carlachristinewhite
    Gotta try that peanut butter, or learn to eat more of those. I don't eat this much or hardly ever.
  • carlachristinewhite
    Ice cream!

    You could always go this route too. Get a freebie cheat treat without going over calories. lol. Probably not the best choice, but certainly the yummiest as long as its not an every day occurence! haha

    I love Ice cream! I buy those skinny cows, but I was too afraid to eat them, I bought it 2 mos ago and I just ate 2 of the pack since
  • carlachristinewhite
    I know you didn't ask, but you could always work out less.

    Working out less is a good idea, but P90X is 6 times a week with different strength, core, weightlifting, cardio and yoga routines and believe it or not, I felt lazy if I don't workout.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    no need to be scared of ice cream/pb/any other food if it fits into your cal/macro goals.