exercise tracker

I'm not too fond of the fitness tracker on this site. I've come to notice that there's no option to input typical housework. I do some sort of housework every day. I would like to know how many calories I burn.


  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    put on a HRM when you do work around the house...... to me thats just a easy way out of a real workout, i wont even coun't that to be honest with you. imo
  • Oliver_Cat_13
    Oliver_Cat_13 Posts: 51 Member
    If you search under cardio for "cleaning", there is a "cleaning - light to moderate effort' option. This is what I usually use to log cleaning up around the house and housework.

    I actually used this earlier today!
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    Waste of time if you ask me......i guess its a woman thing. Good luck.
  • dar756
    dar756 Posts: 3
    I wouldn't use cleaning as a means of exercise calorie count, i agree that's a cop out for your real exercise i do house work every day for the last 20 years cant say i ever broke a sweat vacuuming or doing the dishes, just do the work and the cleaning is an added bonus that's not counted for.