Hi, newish and would like friends :)

Hi there,

I've been logging on MFP for about a week or two now.... had the account for a little while but only just started taking it seriously! I'm a 28 yr old from Australia.

Since my boyfriend moved in 8 months ago I've adapted some bad habits re food and exercise... my mission is to get back to being fit and being able to wear the clothes in my wardrobe again! :)


  • Natbomb161
    lol, same here.. Though he doesn't need to live with me for us to both see changes in the way our clothes fit us! Losing these last 10 is miserable!!
  • ameelah
    ameelah Posts: 12
    Hi! I'm new too! Feel free to add me. :)

  • JanetM527
    JanetM527 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 3 months new so feel free to add me as well.
  • briocktj
    briocktj Posts: 128
    Would love for some folks to add me that are serious about losing weight and wanting to motivate each other...
  • Piccachu
    I'm looking for like minded MFP friends too!! Add away!
  • Ginatdavis
    Ginatdavis Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this website as well! I would love to make new friends on here that share the same goals. I am tired of feeling out of shape, not being able to fit into the massive pairs of jeans I have! I've done the whole eating better thing, and fell off the wagon, but this time I MEAN BUSINESS! and I am dedicated to fitting into my jeans and being a healthier, happier person. So add me and we can, start supporting each other.
  • dodger7977
    dodger7977 Posts: 108 Member
    I've been active since October and have only recently started building my friend base and being social. I would love having some new friends who are up to the challenge and willing to be supportive. I will be here for the long haul so add me if you like and we can support each other till that fabulous end!

  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hi you can add me as a friend the more you have the better!! Love to help the best I can!