My mom said I still look the same..



  • Ohhh my God I can soooo relate to you!!

    Okay so one of my reasons for wanting to lose the weight is to be some what of an inspiration for my mother. Okay so I have lost 8lbs since my journey. I haven't told her that I am on a diet, I am just showing by my actions. Anyway so this morning I was excited because I lost 8lbs....I saw my mother having breakfast and told her "Mom I lost 8lbs!"......all she said was "great!" but it wasnt one of those greats that they are jumping up and down ya know?? It was like "yeah yeah whatever". Ughhh.....that really broke my happy moment spirit. So sad!! But don't let that get you down! You are your own biggest fan!! Reward yourself for your loss! Yayyyy you!!!!!!!!

  • Some people will see their failure reflected in your success, and the most common response is defence, even if they're not actually aware of it. I'm sure we all have a fair share of "frenimy's" in our live's. The other side of this is what a lot of the other posters replied. She sees you everyday so cant see the subtle changes in your weight. Most people only notice once you've dropped a dress size or two. And remember you're doing this for YOU and nobody else. Well done on your loss so far! you're obviously doing something right!:flowerforyou:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    When you live with someone, or they see you daily it's hard for them to see the changes early on.....that being said your mom could be more positive. She may have meant no harm, or maybe she is just jealous, but I sometimes wish people would keep their comments to themselves. There was a time when it would derail me, now it just feeds my motivation! Just remember the changes you are making are for the good, you don't need anyone's approval!!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Also remember she sees you everyday, your gradual weight loss may not be so apparent to her. When you change just a little each day it's hard to notice. Your brain gets used to the tiny differences.
    I agree with this...she might be just as likely to not notice a 10 lb gain on you either! Keep up the great work!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    tell your mom to stuff it. ten pounds isnt easy.
  • yes it asn't that easy..actually i lost 17pounds already I really worked so hard to lose the weight without going to the gym.. I use alternative exercise and running outdoors.. Well Im just pursuing it until I finally made it through. Even though Im just doing this alone. Its for myself and to make me feel better. thanks for all of your support and I really appreciate each one of your comments :))
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    my other half could not/did not notice until i had lost probally a good 50lbs to be honest,so all you "bigger" ones out there please don't get on at them as you lose 1lb or even 10lb's as they might just be telling the truth also they are with you 24hrs a day so to speek and would not notice it as much...
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    but i know i lost more than 10pounds..she laughed at me and thinking that I cant do it.. Because shes also big..
    I hate that feeling :(
    You keep doing what you are doing? Don't worry bout anyone else. Thats just jealously talking. Hate to say but if your mother is that envious tell her to join in with you. She can get the same results. Keep it up.
  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    It took now (close to 20lbs lost) for me to see a real change. And sometimes it's harder and takes longer and different areas of the body lose fat first. Like, I'm pretty sure my neck and shoulder area lost some fat. It's a very odd place, but the necklace I have worn every day for over a year has suddenly felt longer, and I know the chain didn't just grow. :p Maybe if she says anything, ask her to join with you. And if she laughs, you will have the upper hand to stand up and say "Well at least I'm not the one who will be fat and unhealthy for the rest of my life."
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I saw an illustration type of picture showing the fat on the inside of your body that surrounds all your organs...
    Now when I lose 5-10lbs and I can't see it, I remember that picture, and imagine how much less suffocated my organs must be,
    and it makes me smile.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Firstly, well done on 10lb lost! Secondly, scales don't lie, but a Mum's perception of you can be less-than-entirely realistic, and filitered through all sorts of issues. Maybe she's jealous, as others have suggested, maybe she doesn't think you need to lose weight, maybe she just doesn't see it - depending on your frame, 10lb may, or may not, be noticeable to someone who is not looking as closely as you are at your body. If it really bothers you too much, and she continues to be negative, if you're comfortable showing her your weight - show her on the scale! (A word of warning - check before you do to make sure you haven't gone up with a little water weight - it happens to all of us!). If you'd rather not, try talking to her - explain that you find her comments demotivational and ask that she reframe her comments in a supportive vein. If that's not something you can envisage doing, maybe just don't tell her - keep on losing, and she won't be able to deny what she's seeing for too long!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    but i know i lost more than 10pounds..she laughed at me and thinking that I cant do it.. Because shes also big..
    I hate that feeling :(
    I have the same issue.
    You need to get real about the fact that your mother and probably your whole family will never be a support for you in any way.

    Your mother is part of the problem - not the solution.

    Just lose the weight, then torment her over it every chance you get.
    Instead of sitting around waiting for her to affirm your success [she won't], harp on Mom about how fat she is.
    Make her feel miserable like she did you

    I believe in fighting fire with fire, and payback is wonderful. I LOVE getting even with people.
    Let their misery be our JOY!:laugh: :laugh:

    I am not sure I could ever torment my mother over her weight, she has struggled with it for many, many years. I certainly could never tell her she was fat, whatever the reason.

    Their misery would end up my misery.
  • And at that point you turn around, lose the weight, and then come back laughing! You can do it girl. There's not a better feeling than the feeling of proving someone wrong! Go out there and show her you CAN and WILL lose the weight!! Keep your head up:)
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    First of all, great job on your weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself.

    I think you should sit down with your mom and tell her how much her support would mean to you. If she just brushes you off, then don't worry about it. At the end of the day you are doing this for yourself. Just think of how amazing you'll feel when you reach your goal. Maybe then she'll notice and be inspired.

    Feel free to add me! I'm always available to be a friend.
  • My honest opinion, your mother is just upset that she lacks the willpower to do what you have set out to achieve. In other words: she's jealous. Keep up the great work OP, you deserve credit where it is due.