Realistically - How much weight could I lose by end of May?



  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    Good info!
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    When I started MFP, I lost 30# in about 5 months. I wasn't doing anything extreme - just sticking to my diet and eating back the calories that I burned. I was not a breafast/lunch eater - I often skipped those meals. I started eating 3 times a day with a couple of snacks, like you should, and surprisingly, the weight started coming off rather quickly.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    When I started MFP, I lost 30# in about 5 months. I wasn't doing anything extreme - just sticking to my diet and eating back the calories that I burned. I was not a breafast/lunch eater - I often skipped those meals. I started eating 3 times a day with a couple of snacks, like you should, and surprisingly, the weight started coming off rather quickly.

    I've often been told that is my problem. I can quite easily go without food breakfast and sometimes lunch too. Since starting this I have made an effort to have 3 meals a day, not very good with the snacks, except for a coffee! I must try and have more fruit and therefore should have that as a snack (although I'm allergic to citrus so I can only have a small amount). Thanks. x
  • WhiteDoveStudios
    WhiteDoveStudios Posts: 7 Member
    everyone says 2 lbs a week or one lb a week honestly calories in calories out - all o fthe fad diets dont work becasue its not a life style change - a life style change is eating healthy being accountable by portion sizing and changing the way you view things. you can live to eat or you can eat to live. I do 1200 calories a day and Im flexable some are less rarely ever more ( now ) I lost 60 lbs in 4 months and kept it off for two years until i cahnged jobs worked for my self and relinquished my schedule for just eat what i can when i can - that doesnt work even with the best intentions. You have to have structure if you want that Oreo eat it but be accountable and log it in - if you deny your self then you quit quickly just like all the fad diets - moderation and portions is your key. Make decisions do I want that bowl of icecream or am i getting more bang for my buck ( content full sensation ) by strretching those callories over more low calorie foods - and sometimes I want the ice cream - great ... but measure - 1/2 a cup will satisfy the flavor you want and if you dont eat it all in one bite and have something to dring along with it seems to go farther. lots of people say oh if you want the weight to stay off then you have to loose it slow - well that makes sense because the longer you are in the habbit of eating this way the more of a GOOD habit you for m of eating this way if you can take it of fast and are of the concious mind that this is now the way you eat it wont magically come back - its a decision to be healthy - I have lost 15 lbs since December 26th i have not been to the gym I teach music and run a recording studio so the activity level is not way up there at this point however once the numbers come down then I will back on the gym schedule to tone and maintain - if you want to loose weight change the diet... nuf said feel free to friend me because we are all here for the same reason we want to get healthy. I love the social and motivation of having other like minded people here is great so Yea us for being here in the first place.... see ya on the scale :0) Greg
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    for your weight you should be losing between 1-2lb week,(possibly will lose more in your first week) so i would expect to lose between 20-40lbs by end of may (20weeks). I know its tempting to do some crazy crash diet 'lose 10lbs in 10 days' etc and lose as much as possible before your holiday, but that will more than likely mess with your metabolism so its harder to lose weight long term.
    if you stick to the cal allowances set by MFP and exercise min 4x per week, including weight training if possible, the weight will come off more slowly but healthily, and you will feel a lot better for it! the exercise will help tone your muscles so you might not lose as many lbs but will lose inches which will get you into those smaller holiday clothes!
    i started 12 weeks ago @ 244lb, have lost 21lbs so far and havent felt like I am on a 'diet' at all, everything is logged good or bad, then if i have a week with no loss i can look back through my diary see what went wrong that week. Ive gone from a very tight UK18 to just about fitting in a 16, so i would say around 20-25lbs is 1uk size, depending where you carry your weight.