Jogging enthusiasts and vegetarian buddies needed!

For inspiration and tips!. I am female 5'3 and 180lbs I am looking to lose 40lbs. I started exercising at the gym and eating more consciously a few months ago. I was getting to the gym 5 times a week and working out for an hour and absolutely adoring it! . Lately (for over a month) I have been working away so haven't gotten to the gym so much, I have been slacking to be honest due to feeling overly self-conscious jogging outside the gym environment and less motivated because of either wearing myself out at work- my job can be quite physical or getting out of sync with daily schedules.

As it's a new year and I will be continuing to work away for a few days per week, I am taking the bull by the horns and getting out there! I cant allow my self-conscious feelings get in the way of my goals!. -So PLEASE! joggers, please help me to stay motivated with tips and facts wherever you can to get me off to a good start!!. This is now my gym substitute for those days I have to spend away from the gym! it's going to need to count!.

Veggies, I need your help too, I am avoiding potatoes and bread as much as I can, cooking all sorts of wonderful soups which works really well, but I am looking for tips on recipes for other dishes and even treats! just good advise if anyone has some for me!.

Add me as a friend if you like, I think having support and giving support is a real strength in achieving goals, even over the web!