Heavy Weight Lifting for Women

After considerable research, I decided to start a new weight lifting routine - my first session was Saturday. I have always lifted weights and always lifted heavier than most women, but I typically lifted so that I reached failure at like 12-15 reps. And since I have been doing this kind of lifting for a long time, off for a few months (more cardio, callisthenics, and resistance bands instead) and on for a few months (specific training routine with isolation and compound movements at times and whole body routines at others). But the results never changed.

I never seemed to gain strength or develop my muscles any more. I was discussing this with my husband and he said when he was much younger, scrawnier, man he lifted super heavy with these meatheads he met at the gym. Like 2 reps to failure. He said that was when he really saw some major changes in his body. So that got me thinking and I started researching. I found this article on bodybuilding.com: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/berardi12.htm

Berardi talks about compound taxing lifting for women and how and why it works. Sounds great, except Berardi is man. So I am curious to know if any women have done the type of lifting where you lift like 5 reps and reach failure and what kind of results they saw as opposed to 12-15 rep sets. I decided to follow Berardi's suggested workout. I don't figure I have anything to lose and my husband is well versed in weight lifting, so he will be working with me in the gym to make sure I don't hurt myself with bad form on a heavy lift.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    There is a "strength-training for women" group, here, on mfp, Miss Mollie. I think if you look around that group, you will find a number of women who are lifting heavy, 5-8 reps.

    Also, a number of us are doing The New Rules of Lifting for Women, by Lou Schuler - it isn't a *new* program (it's been around since 2008), but it is a program designed for lifting heavier and heavier.

    Good luck!