Fitness Challenge

Anyone up for starting a fitness challange with me? I am going to do P90X2 and run! I would love buddies!



  • mad4beinhere
    mad4beinhere Posts: 63 Member
    Wooo up for me, have looked at the Cardio on INsanity which would be DVD3, way to intense for me at the moment. Another two weeks should see me fit enough to attempt the Killer of all Killers.
    I have to get my MS back under control to as it fatigues me quite quickly when I get to hot. GRRRRRR (this is what I get for having two weeks off) not happy about that but in all fairness i did better yesterday than I thought I would go>

    BUT will definately be giving the Fit test a go when I'm ready........... even hubby said "thats a bit to tough for you ATM" and he never says anything to me at all........... quietly suppostive I call it
  • CBove21
    CBove21 Posts: 6 Member
    Still looking for buddies! :smile: