Stubborn but Tempted!

Hi, I'm new to the forum part of this site.
I had an old username and was part of MFP for a few months but kept forgetting to add my food.
Now I've got the iPhone app and it's SO EASY! So I'm logging everything. From walking my dog to drinking half a mug of cold tea (I forget whilst teaching!)

I have always been a bit of the heavy side because I love my food and don't tend to feel hungry.
But after university I've piled on the pounds!
It doesn't help that my 2nd love (after music) is cooking. My boyfriend loves my baking and so I often bake cakes at weekends.

I decided to give up wheat and alcohol before I go on holiday in Feb.
I don't feel any different (fair enough I've only been going 9 days!) but since I LAST weighed myself beore Christmas I've lost a fair amount (which is impossible? Christmas?!)

If anyone has any tips about weight loss?
I tend to snack when I'm bored. Also when I'm feeling a bit tired or low. (After a long day at work crisps and a glass of wine SCREAM to me!!)

And good luck to everyone else!!


  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Snacking when bored is sooooo common!

    Try drinking a glass of water - waiting 5 minutes, and seeing whether it was actually hunger that was bothering you. If you don't like water - try sparkling water - much nicer! If you are unhappy and just NEEEEEDDD to eat - try eating something healthy. Grapes, Granola, Fruit etc. Keep them handy in the fridge so you can just grab them. Also, stop buying bad snacks - you can't eat it if you don't have it! Simples.

    If you love cooking - just cook healthy foods! Get a new recipe book and crack on! It will be something different that will take up your time and keep your interest because you maybe haven't done it before! Alcohol is easy to give up - I hardly ever drink and it never bothers me! But alcohol is MASSIVE in calories, so this may be a large contributing factor to your weight loss!

    Add me :-)

    Tiffani x