Pet peeves- BUSTED!!!

carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
So, one of my biggest pet peeves is spelling/major gramatical errors in on-line posts- then I read some of my recent posts and realized I am so guilty of this myself- anyone else busted themselves doing something that really annoys them???? :blushing: :laugh:


  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    People talking with food in their mouth.
  • luvg
    luvg Posts: 2
    People who do not let you off of the elevator/escalator before they get on.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    So, one of my biggest pet peeves is spelling/major gramatical errors in on-line posts- then I read some of my recent posts and realized I am so guilty of this myself- anyone else busted themselves doing something that really annoys them???? :blushing: :laugh:

    This is exactly why I don't believe in pet peeves. Nobody's perfect, and pet peeves are just an excuse to be mad about something that doesn't affect you in the slightest. Why spend my energy being annoyed when I could go find something fun to do? :)
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member

  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    People who pass using the right turn lane. But then I caught myself having to do it when I went around a line of (what I thought) were cars turning left at an approaching intersection. Ah well...nothing a middle finger couldn't fix...
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    People who do not let you off of the elevator/escalator before they get on.

    People who just stand on an escalator instead of walking. I can let it slide a little if the escalator is going up, but not when it's going down. And when people stand side-by-side so you can't get past? Then when you politely say, "Excuse me," they give you that, "Where are you walking? It's an ESCALATOR!" look. Grrrr...

    Buncha lazy so-and-sos... ;)
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    People who snap their gum... not bubbles but just snapping. I find my self doing it from time to time.
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    I have also fallen foul of the spelling and grammar trap. I think it's because I'm surrounded by proof reading and typing all day where I work. I then let slip on here and my blog. I'm forever going back over posts, editing every mistake, apostrophe abuse etc. It's taken me ten minutes to ensure this post is as accurate as I can make it. :laugh:

    Sad, I know. :wink:
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    People who do not let you off of the elevator/escalator before they get on.

    People who just stand on an escalator instead of walking. I can let it slide a little if the escalator is going up, but not when it's going down. And when people stand side-by-side so you can't get past? Then when you politely say, "Excuse me," they give you that, "Where are you walking? It's an ESCALATOR!" look. Grrrr...

    Buncha lazy so-and-sos... ;)
    Yeah, I was behind some people like that when the escalator broke down..stuck on there for hours!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    leaving the shower curtain open after they are done the shower ! UGGHHHH
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    So, one of my biggest pet peeves is spelling/major gramatical errors in on-line posts- then I read some of my recent posts and realized I am so guilty of this myself- anyone else busted themselves doing something that really annoys them???? :blushing: :laugh:
    Mine is more serious.
    I detest bullies due to being bullied by older brothers and their friends growing up.

    I just can't stand people who throw their weight around just because they can.
    It ignites my rage and causes me to become violent.

    That's the only language such domineering people understand.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    When someone asks me a question, but doesn't pay attention for the answer, and then asks again. Drives me crazy. When the kids do it the second answer is always no.

    But then I do it, and then say, "sorry, I wasn't paying attention to you" or "Sorry, I don't always listen when you talk", and that drives my husband crazy, lol.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I have a pet peeve about escalators, too ... people who get off at the top or bottom and just stand there in conversation with someone. It is not a staircase, people. I can't stop and wait for you to move. I (and the people behind me) will be thrown on top of you if you don't get out of the way.

    Really, I feel this way about any kind of public pathway, whether it's a sidewalk or an aisle in the grocery store. If you have to stop, do your best to get out of the way of oncoming traffic, and THEN do whatever talking or looking or thinking or texting you feel the need to do. And if you're going to be so inconsiderate as to just stand in the way like an idiot, then check yourself before you go off on someone for having the audacity to ask you to move.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    Yeah, I was behind some people like that when the escalator broke down..stuck on there for hours!


    People who drive slow (or at speed limit) in the left lane. :explode:
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member

    People who drive slow (or at speed limit) in the left lane. :explode:
    I know, they are the worst.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I have a pet peeve about escalators, too ... people who get off at the top or bottom and just stand there in conversation with someone. It is not a staircase, people. I can't stop and wait for you to move. I (and the people behind me) will be thrown on top of you if you don't get out of the way.

    Really, I feel this way about any kind of public pathway, whether it's a sidewalk or an aisle in the grocery store. If you have to stop, do your best to get out of the way of oncoming traffic, and THEN do whatever talking or looking or thinking or texting you feel the need to do. And if you're going to be so inconsiderate as to just stand in the way like an idiot, then check yourself before you go off on someone for having the audacity to ask you to move.

    I live in Orlando and my husband and I have passes to the theme parks- this drives us crazy- do you seriosly need to STOP IN THE MIDDLE of the hughe walkway to look at your map or decide what you are doing next? Can't you move off to the side??? Do you have any idea how incredibly RUDE you are??? Or is it OK to be rude becuase you are on vacation and selfish???