How long does it takes cravings to go away?

tneiba Posts: 8 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I just came back from another binge. :grumble:
You know something is wrong when you crave (and then go get at 10p...) a crepe w/ nutella after you just ate 4 pudding cups, 3 cups of cereal, 3 oranges, 1/2 a bag of almonds, and garlic fries. :noway:

So I've tried (unsuccessfully) to stop (many times before this too). I heard that the first week is the hardest for cravings. Like, if you get over that hump, you're golden. However, for me, my cravings start flaring up really strongly on the 3rd day and I always give in. Any suggestions on how to stop? I know willpower is really important but I just...give in. I'd appreciate any help!


  • tneiba
    tneiba Posts: 8 Member
    I just came back from another binge. :grumble:
    You know something is wrong when you crave (and then go get at 10p...) a crepe w/ nutella after you just ate 4 pudding cups, 3 cups of cereal, 3 oranges, 1/2 a bag of almonds, and garlic fries. :noway:

    So I've tried (unsuccessfully) to stop (many times before this too). I heard that the first week is the hardest for cravings. Like, if you get over that hump, you're golden. However, for me, my cravings start flaring up really strongly on the 3rd day and I always give in. Any suggestions on how to stop? I know willpower is really important but I just...give in. I'd appreciate any help!
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    OMG I can relate to this. I don't know about the 3 day rule because I still get wicked cravings at all hours of the day and night. What I have been doing is buying items to replace what I crave or select a healthier version. I made my own trail mix with the fruits and nuts that I like and measured out single servings. I LOVE POTATO CHIPS, so I bought I bag of my favorite (low salt) and also measured out a servings in ziploc bags along with buing more fruits, fiber one bars and yogurts. For chocolate I bought the Hershey sticks with are pretty low in calories and sugar.

    Now here comes the will power part for me, when I get the craving I drink water first. I wait to see if the craving goes away and if it doesn't, then I reach for the single serving snack.

    I also bought Wasa crisp breadslices, laughing cow cheese, a garlic and basil brie along with popcorm and a parmesan & garlic seasoning. I make the popcorn and prepare single serving, then I sprinkle the season on it.

    I hope this gave you some idea's
  • tneiba
    tneiba Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for replying! It's good to know I'm not alone. But I'm worried about keeping that many single servings though since I'd probably be unable to stop at one. :sad:
    But I like the idea about the water! I'll definitely try that. It doesn't help that binges make me so thirsty. sigh.

    How do you learn to stop at one?!? I feel like I have to eliminate everything or else something will trigger me again. :sick:
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    For me, I haven't stopped :noway: What I do is remind myself why I'm doing this and that helps sometimes. It's a process and I'm proud to say that I'm having more good days than bad. I started back in August 2008 and it wasn't until last month (Feb) that I can say it was working. Less and Less binges but I hate to say I still experience them.

    I don't deprive myself because it makes it worse for me. If I even attempt to deprive myself of my favorite things, I go overboard when I do get them and I mean overboard. What I had started doing was carrying only my debit card and nothing else. No cash on had makes me think do I really want to buy that.

    It's tough but I believe you can do it. You just have to find what works for your. Hang in there:bigsmile:
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