Ripped In 30!!

Over the weekend, I purchased Jillian Michaels "Ripped In 30" and plan on starting it tonight. Anyone else out there wanting to try the program with me? I will start out by using my 5 pound weights and increase once I get more familiar with the program.

Also, is there anyone out there who has done the program and has feedback or advice about Ripped In 30? I would love to hear any comments you have.

Happy 2012.... we can do it!!


  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    I started on saturday. My knees are urting...back on today! Have 40 to lose!
  • i just started as well... did week one once to try... starting with 4 days not the recommended 6 cause i am adding cardio classes too! good luck tell me how it works for you- i secretly love that woman! hehehe- or i just wish i had someone yelling at me to step it up haha
  • Apriltrev04
    Apriltrev04 Posts: 23 Member
    I start week 3 today!! I love it! it definitely a challenge but so worth it! I am already seeing and feeling changes happening!!