Friends=Unhealthy Habits



  • lilithe1
    lilithe1 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh by the way, I forgot to mention my go-to drink when I'm at a bar with friends is club soda with lime. It's zero calorie, but it looks like a vodka tonic so your friends won't give you a hard time. Also, it is usually free, but if they try to charge you, bat your eyelashes and ask them 'don't you give free drinks to designated drivers?" and they probably will not charge you. :) But ask them to put it in a real drink glass, not a plastic water cup because a real glass looks like a vodka tonic, and a plastic cup...doesn't.
    Oh by the way, I forgot to mention my go-to drink when I'm at a bar with friends is club soda with lime. It's zero calorie, but it looks like a vodka tonic so your friends won't give you a hard time. Also, it is usually free, but if they try to charge you, bat your eyelashes and ask them 'don't you give free drinks to designated drivers?" and they probably will not charge you. :) But ask them to put it in a real drink glass, not a plastic water cup because a real glass looks like a vodka tonic, and a plastic cup...doesn't.

    OMGG. you are amazing!!! lol. I was looking for a 0 calorie drink that was not actually a drink. I tried alcoholic free beers just to stay away from the alcohol and calories but that was definitely not working for me. Thanks so much for the tip! lol.
  • lilithe1
    lilithe1 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh honey I have LOADS of tricks on looking like you're eating, drinking, but not :) I am a consultant and travel for work and am constantly doing happy hours and dinners and everything like that. It's so hard to stick to a diet and I have pretty weak will-power. If I have even one drink, then whole night is gone. I'll have another and then eat foods I normally wouldn't... slippery slope!

    So here are a few more:

    Club soda with just a half shot of cranberry juice will look like a mixed drink. Many of the female bartenders totally understand our plight and they just nod when I ask for that, with a lime.

    Just about any diet soda with a wedge of lime will look like a drink. Coke Zero or whatever. I personally don't like diet soda at all so I don't do this unless I absolutely have to, but nobody will know it doesn't have alcohol in it. Let the ice melt a bit too and water it down, and the clear part will look like alcohol anyway.

    And finally, if you're really desperate, you can carry some of those single-serve crystal light sport packets and add it to a glass of water. This gives it some flavor, some color, and you can carry them in even the smallest purse.

    If you're always holding something in one hand, then you are less likely to nibble. Sometimes I will order a drink I can't stand and just hold it, that way I'm not tempted to drink it.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    I can totally relate! All my girlfriends and I did was eat out whenever we got together (and of course at the worst places calories/fat wise) but a few years ago we decided to start playing volleyball and started a small league. Now 10-15 of us get together each Saturday morning and play pretty competitively with teams and everything. We also throw in a strenuous activity or two each month like hiking or playing other sports at the park.

    I thought it would never happen because a lot of my friends are girly girls but they realized that they really enjoy being active so it's worked out well.

    Best of luck to you!