Desk job + long commute to work = fat *kitten*

Does anyone have any ideas, or exercises for me. I have a desk job and a 45 minute commute to work and home each day. Besides going for a walk on my lunch and after supper...does anyone have any other exercises I could do? THanks!


  • horror_hamster
    chair dips:
    desk push-ups:
    calf raises (i do these when waiting for the printer to warm up or copier to spit out my copies)

    and then the usual: take the stairs whenever possible.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Part of the reason for my former obesity was that I too work in a cube. Really what worked for me:

    1) watch waht you eat. Office jobs are killer. Between the donuts and everything else people bring in... keep your calories watched at all times.

    2) drink plenty of water.

    3) If you can, go for a 10-15 minute walk once a day.

    4) Get yourself outside or to a gym after work and do at least 30 minutes a day of some strenuous activity.

    5) Don't take an elevator
  • bethany1031
    bethany1031 Posts: 40 Member
    I had to laugh when I read the title of your post because I thought "are they looking in my window???" I'm in the exact same boat - so I can't wait to hear some of the suggestions!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    small dumbbell set for at your desk...

    My stepdad has bike peddles that you could put under your desk. That would be a good way of getting in some cardio at your desk

    If you have enough room...
    Jumping Jacks
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas, or exercises for me. I have a desk job and a 45 minute commute to work and home each day. Besides going for a walk on my lunch and after supper...does anyone have any other exercises I could do? THanks!
    I used to sneak in a full body workout at work, on the clock doing calisthenics.
    I did push-ups here, knee bends there and even sit-ups.

    There are always possibilities.
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Drink a ton of water. Walking to and from the bathroom should burn lots of calories.

    I am in the same situation. Wake up early in the AM and get a good workout in before you start your day. That will keep your metabolism working all day.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I try to work out at home in the morning, but only manage about 15 minutes before scrambling to get ready for work. I'm anxious to hear suggestions!
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I drive 45-50 minutes to work every day and I sit at a desk all day. Are you at a job where you would be allowed to sit on those giant exercise balls? That helps to strengthen your core. Running is great exercise, using an elliptical, etc. If you don't have much time they say that doing weights is better than cardio because you burn more calories lifting weights vs. cardio. Hope that helps!
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I am not sure how useful under desk bikes are, but may be worth a try. You can look them up on
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas, or exercises for me. I have a desk job and a 45 minute commute to work and home each day. Besides going for a walk on my lunch and after supper...does anyone have any other exercises I could do? THanks!

    I too work a desk job...try to get your boss to get you a standing desk or a kangaroo (it is a platform that allows you to raise your monitor and keyboard). Standing will help burn more calories than sitting, and prevents the "secretary spread"
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    bump for future reference :)
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    I know how hard it is, i work in front of a computer all day, have to drive kids to school as would not make it to work in time if did walk
    my lunch break i use to pick up the kids from school and take them home then working till 5, then feed kids, homework, clubs, make packed lunches etc.. (all the boring things) knackered so hard to fit exercise in.
  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    Another suggestion if your shy about doing things in your office.... Pratice squeezing your stomach muscles in and then relaxing them. It is a mini abs workout and no one can tell your doing it. Also getting up once and hour and walk around your floor.
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    i have some under the desk them..theyre not as good as the real bike but they work out pretty well..i too work behind a desk for 12 hours..
  • carlye14
    Hello! I also have about an hour long commute to and from work, and I sit at a desk all day. My only duty is to answer the phones (and calls are SCARCE), so I always walk around the lobby every 15 minutes or so. I also sit up straight and keep my abs tight. I, too, do calf raises and that seems to be a good way to sneak in some exercise. Good luck!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I have a desk job and the same commute. I typically do about 15 minutes of calisthenics/body weight exercises a couple mornings a week, and then a yoga class, weight lifting, and/or a run after work. Same thing on the weekends. A desk job doesn't have to doom you to a lifetime of fat arseness.
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I've been sneaking in short workouts at lunchtime in my office, trying to do little things to move around, like getting up and walking to talk to coworkers across the office instead of calling them. The links that were posted for desk-based exercise look good! And if I can find an under-desk-pedaling thing I will totally buy it.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I have a (mostly) desk job + 45-60 minute commute each way, so I go to the gym immediately before or after work (stop by on my way, no going home first!) and try to get in a lunchtime walk.

    You have to make exercise a priority and schedule it into your day, or you'll keep putting it off. Try some short 20-minute exercises before/after work until you make it a routine. Exercise videos are great for doing at home, and some, like 30 Day Shred, are full-body workouts in only 20 minutes and have great results if you keep at it.
  • sara_j_barnard
    With limited time, the variable you have the most control over is your intake. You can add a bit more calorie burning with the great suggestions people have posted here. But in my opinion, it's of the utmost importance that you either watch your calories or your carbs like a hawk. At least, that's been my experience; I'm in the same situation.
  • LadyoftheDisc
    LadyoftheDisc Posts: 136 Member
    I found this list to be helpful. Good luck!!!