The weight room

So, I am able to use the machines without feeling awkward, been doing it for months...But, I kinda want to start lifting heavier, but some of the male lifters intimidate me.. I don't want to look like a fool...Help


  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    Don't be intimidated. The vast majority of weight lifters (though not all of them) are there to take care of their own workout and really won't care if you make a fool of yourself or not. However, it is a good idea to have someone show you how to do the exercises, just so you don't injure yourself. If you already know how to do the exercises, no one will say a word to you as long as you put the weights back in the right place when you're done with them.
  • marion4443
    marion4443 Posts: 3 Member
    You deserve to be in that weight room the same as everyone else. Women need to assert themselves in the wt. room!