Insanity vs. P90X



  • It was great to read the responses to this thread. I'm on day 64 of P90X and my friend is going to let me borrow insanity to try it when I'm done. I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, so I think P90X was great to get me in shape and I'm hoping that insanity will burn off any fat I have left after I'm done with P90X.

    I was dying the first time I did Plyometrics, so I think I'm glad that I didn't do Insanity first. Now that I'm getting used to Plyo, I'm hoping that I can handle insanity. We'll see in about a month. If everything goes well I should be done insanity just in time for summer.
  • I have a bad back, but work out regularly. Every time I attempt P90x I hurt myself. I want to be able to do it though! I have about 15 lbs and some toning post baby I'd like to fix before summer. I just finished a cycle of Brazilian Butt Lift which I loved, and am almost done with week 1 of P90x. I decided to buy insanity and do that instead so will continue with that instead. I do want to tone, and may add some of the P90x work outs that I can handle. The workouts that incorporate back are just not great for me. I'm sure it's partially my form, and partially my back problem, but I can't stand hurting myself then needing time off! If anyone can suggest a good hybrid combination that isn't too intense on my back that would be great!
  • With P90X and Insanity; I use both. The best thing to do is to read your body. If you can't do something because of your back; adjust it so that it doesn't involve your back so much. When I work The Chest and Back P90X program, I substitue rows for pull-ups, but that's because I don't have a bar that works in my house. But you could maybe get a back brace and substitute light arm curls, or even an aerobic exersize like running in place or jumping jacks. Just a few ideas. You're still getting a nice workout and that's what truly matters.