Has anyone used the Bender Ball from TV?

I've been looking for some small exercise equipment that will fit in my apartment, and that green Bender Ball looks awfully tempting. Has anyone tried it? How did you like it? Did it work as well as they claim?

Thank you!


  • bonnykate
    bonnykate Posts: 123
    I've been looking for some small exercise equipment that will fit in my apartment, and that green Bender Ball looks awfully tempting. Has anyone tried it? How did you like it? Did it work as well as they claim?

    Thank you!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    my pilates teacher bought one with a few dvd's and she loved it so much she bought 15 more for our entire class. they really crank up the intensity and i would definitely recommend it! it turns any typical ab exercise into a full body workout and you can definitely feel the difference.

    i was skeptical at first, but i'm a total advocate for the bender ball now! :smile: