Struggling to meet my intake goals

Adieux Posts: 17 Member
I'm new to MFP, looking at losing about 70kg's (about 155 pounds). I've changed my diet completely from what it used to be and I am enjoying it heaps, but what I'm noticing is that I'm struggling to meet my calorie intake as defined here on MFP.

For example this is what I had yesterday (and the stats for the day before were lower than this too):
Breakfast - 2 pieces of Helga's Mixed Seed toast w/ margarine and vegemite
Snack - Teriyaki chicken sushi
Lunch - Chicken salad w/ rice, lettuce, capsicum (peppers), grated carrot, olives, onion
Dinner - Rice w/ ham, capsicum (peppers), grated carrot, olives, onion
Supper - Yoplait Forme Vanilla flavoured yoghurt

TOTAL - CALS 1,187 | CARBS 153 | FAT 21 | PROTEIN 95
GOAL - CALS 1,820 | CARBS 250 | FAT 61 | PROTEIN 68

My intention was to have grilled pork with the salad for dinner but my gosh, there is no way I could have fit it in. And I know that the above isn't that varied in terms of food but I haven't done a grocery shop in 2 weeks so my options were limited (with the sushi being from a place near my work and the salad - minus the rice - made on the spot at Foodworks). However I've now done a little grocery shopping and have planned my meals for the day and it looks like this:

Breakfast - Muesli with low fat yoghurt and blueberries
Snack - Almonds
Lunch - Subway 6" beef and salad on wheat, no cheese + banana (was going to double the beef because I need the iron)
Snack - Nectarine
Dinner - Pasta (whole) w/ olive oil, sundried tomatoes, olives, four bean mix, onion, herbs, tomato paste and shredded turkey breast (I made this up so the calorie count/fat content may not be entirely accurate but it is very close)

TOTAL - CALS 1,308 | CARBS 183 | FAT 40 | PROTEIN 64
GOAL - CALS 1,820 | CARBS 250 | FAT 61 | PROTEIN 68
Note that I could only carry 2 large bags of groceries home so I focused on getting my breakfasts and lunches sorted out more so than dinner. I have chicken breast, pork, pork mince/ground pork, chicken schnitzel and kievs in the freezer from before I made the change so I can use those. I have plenty of rice and pasta and will be grabbing some vege's out today.

So as you can see I'm well under my goals and I'm absolutely full, so I don't know what to do. Getting it up to 1,308 was a struggle in itself. Do I need to be meeting that goal? And if I do what changes can you see being made to get things up to scratch?