What should I record it under...?

I'm doing a lot of Jillian Michael's dvds at home--particularly the 30 Day Shred and 6 Weeks to 6 Pack abs. What should I record these exercises under? I vacillate between circuit training and calisthenics.


  • xraygeek
    xraygeek Posts: 34 Member
    Anybody?? According to the ones I record under, I supposedly burn around 350-400cals...that just doesn't seem right, almost too high.
  • SLT01
    SLT01 Posts: 58
    I have seen on similar posts about what to record it as, and (circuit training, general) seems to be the top answer. I use that myself..
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    have no answer for you..but yay for xray!
  • xraygeek
    xraygeek Posts: 34 Member
    Radiation's the way to go :D Thanks for the answers!