Need a Workout Routine - Help!

Hey Folks - I'm attempting to create a workout routine for myself so it's easier to stay focused on my fitness goals.

I'm looking to lose fat and tone - I don't want to build a lot of muscle - Just want to slim down and get foxy, essentially.

What I've compiled so far is the following:

Monday: Warm up, lower body strength training, 45 minutes of fat burn cardio.
Tuesday: 60 minutes fat burning cardio
Wednesday: Warm up, upper body / core strength training, 45 minutes of fat burn cardio.
Thursday: 60 minutes fat burning cardio
Friday: ??
Saturday: ??
Sunday: An off day? Doesn't have to be - I don't have a life - I can go to the gym. . .

I'm a newbie when it comes to serious gym fitness - I was the queen of doing only cardio, but I want to be more effective. Any help, any critiques are more than welcome. :)



  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    SS, GOMAD, 5x5, 5/3/1 choose one
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Also: it is impossible to "tone" your muscles, it doesn't exist, it is a myth. You can only build or destroy muscle.
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    Um. . . What are those. . In layman's terms? As I mentioned - I'm new to this.
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    Let me rephrase - I want to get rid of the fat surrounding my muscles, to create more visual definition. ;P
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    SS, GOMAD, 5x5, 5/3/1 choose one

    These are work out routines. Give google a try, it works. I would say if you've never lifted before 5x5 to start, its a slow build up and focuses on form (form is SOOO important with weight lifting i wish more people cared about it). Then SS (starting strength), then GOMAD, and then wendlers 5/3/1.

    1. Google 5x5
    2. Do 5x5
    3. Google Starting Strength (mark ripppetoe)
    4. Do SS
    5. Google GOMAD
    6. Do GOMAD
    7. Google 5/3/1 (Wendler)
    8. Do 5/3/1

    At this point you will know so many different lifts, look and feel great, and you'll be able to walk into a gym and know that you've made better gains than most the boys doing 10 different curls everyday.