Please Help!!!! Question for runners.......

november03 Posts: 205 Member
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I am hoping someone can give me some insight or advise…..

I ran 3.3 Miles today for the first time. I am running a 5K in 3 weeks and wanted to see how far I could get. I am not a runner, but ride my recumbent bike and use my new jogging trampoline almost daily.

I finished my run about 4 hours ago and I am now in crazy pain. When I was pregnant with both of our children my joints loosened up at 5 months gestation and my hips and other joints would dislocate do to hormone imbalances. That was over 5 years ago and I have been doing great. My hip joints are now loose again and popping out. Especially the interior aspect of my leg sockets.

Has anyone ever experienced this? If so….. Is this just because I pushed myself too hard? Or am I just not cut out for running?

Any insight you may have I would be grateful!!! I felt great an hour after the run and have been going down hill ever since……=(


  • november03
    november03 Posts: 205 Member
  • I get pain in my hip area when I need new running shoes. I also am sore after a long run, but have never had pain like you describe. I hope you get to feeling better. Might just need to rest your body for a day or so.
  • baileylm
    baileylm Posts: 23 Member
    I had similar problems with my hip during my 3rd pregnancy and went to PT at that time. Never had any more problems with it after the baby was born tho. I am a runner and this sounds really odd. I would recommend seeing a dr. about it. Perhaps all you need is some PT with strengthening exercises to get those joints firmed up again. But you need to rule out other problems. Good luck!
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    The best advice I have is take it slow. Sounds like you went out and started running and ran over 3 miles..while that is great, I would suggest taking your time..Do a little training before you give it all you got. I would hate for an injury to occur.

    I started out barely being ablt to, I'm running 4 or more miles 5 days a week..With that said, I took it slow and did a lot of training..

    I've also heard and have done it a few your legs and knees.

    Word to the WILL feel great while doing it..however, long about 2-3 hours later..oh boy pain.. Let your body rest and start training after rest..
  • mclightning
    mclightning Posts: 36 Member
    So this was your first time running? Congrats on completing 3.3 miles. If you are experiencing just muscle pain, you could be experiencing Lactic Acid build up in your muscles. You probably did too much too soon. I'm not a doctor or a personal trainer, but I remember starting out running and on the days that I really pushed it, I was sore. I'd pop a couple of asprin, drink lots of water and eat a banana.

    Good Luck!
  • caramia311
    caramia311 Posts: 49 Member
    Not sure about the hips popping, but can you tell if the pain is joint pain or muscle pain?

    I would take it easy for a few a days, see how things play out. Doesn't mean you are not cut out for running. It takes some time for everyone to get their bodies used to running.
  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    if you can run 3 miles on the first time out, you are certainly cut out for it. I agree that it might have been too much too soon. Get your rest, stretch and go easy the next time. Hope youre feeling better soon
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Kudos to you for doing 3.3 miles! That being said, with the amount of pain that you are in, you may have pushed yourself too far. Even with the amount of walking I did prior to running, I still had to work my way up to 3 miles. Since the holidays I have slacked off big time and have to start over again. I can barely run a half mile without getting shin splints which were a common occurance when I first started to run and didn't pace myself well.

    I would highly encourage you to listen to these women and get some rest, talk to a doctor and make sure nothing else is going on.

    Good luck on your 5K!!!!
  • eksb
    eksb Posts: 93
    I did the same thing and ran 4 miles the first time out and couldn't run or move for another couple of days because of knee pain. It was really frustrating that the rest of me could finally run except for my silly little (terrible) knee pain. I went to the chiropractor who helped bring my back into alignment which was causing my knee to be pulled off track and gave me some good quad exercises to strengthen and protect my knees. Then, she gave me the best advice, START SLOW! Running is a whole new ballgame, no matter how in shape you are. Try running 5 minutes, walking 5 and gradually increasing. It's been helping me for sure! Also, barefoot running has helped lessen the amount of joint jarring I've been experiencing. Good luck!
  • Ouch. Take it slow, don't run more than 10% extra than the week before, until your tendons and joints adjust to the impact. And start slow, barely a jog. I've been running for 6 weeks now and feel good, I can do 3.3miles non stop. My shins hurt a bit still (shin splints). You could also try a Glucosamine with Chondroitin supplement and add some ginger. It has worked wonders for me, and virtually eliminated the lower back pain I used to suffer from. If you still experience hip problems, I would strongly suggest you see a physiotherapist. Perhaps one trained in physical manipulation, you may be a bit hooked up in your pelvis. Acupuncture has worked well for me as well. The real key though as already mentioned is taking it slow. Don't be tempted to run too much too soon, as it will cause injury that will set back your plans. Get some good running shoes as well, at a proper running shoe store. They will check your foot width, length, pronation, gait and running patterns, and suggest a suitable shoe. It is well worth the money. Check out this site for programmes of any ability levels,7120,s6-238-520--9397-0,00.html
  • I would definitely see a physical therapist if the pain does not go away within a couple of days. It does sound like you did too much too soon. I started running over 10 years ago and when I started, I ran until I was tired-walked and then started the cycle all over again. My daughter has now taken up running with me and she has been having hip and knee problems. I took her to the PT and he suggested that we do timed run/walks. 2min run/walks to be exact until she was ready to add more time. That way-when you start feeling pain, you back off on the time you run a bit. She is finally up to running 4 min/walking 2 min. She has ran several 5k's this way and has done a great job!
  • Also excellent (and free)
    And also free

    quote ~ "Too many people have been turned off of running simply by trying to start off too fast. Their bodies rebel, and they wind up miserable, wondering why anyone would possibly want to do this to themselves."

    Hope this all helps, good luck!
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