Any advice on this...

I've just done day 1 of C25K this morning (which I'm loving) but I want to start incorporating strengthening exercises in as well. I would REALLY love to start going to body pump again.

I'm worried that if I do pump, I'm going to end up being in too much pain to go on one of my runs. I'm going Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Anyone have any words of wisdom or encouragement?


  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I'm doing c210k tu, th, sat or sun and then lifting lifting is mainly upper body (chest presses, flies, rows, triceps, etc) plus some full body stuff like planks, pushups, and then wall sits for quads. - I havent noticed any issue with being too sore to do the runs,

    maybe doing lighter weights at first and then gradually building up to something heavier (which really should be done anyway) would ensure that you woudlnt be too sore to run the next day
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I would think you should be fine. It's always good to cross train on days you aren't running. And Couch to 5k is a nicely paced program, you'll just want to make sure you don't do too much, too soon when it comes to running (if you are new to it).