What do you think about when you run?



  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I think about anything to get my mind off of the fact that i am running. I hate running and it's a constant battle of me switching songs on my ipod, throwing the towel over the timer and then looking 30 second later, and me switching the speed and incline up and down.
    Have you ever run outside? I absolutely hate the Dreadmill but when I can run outside, enjoy the scenery, smell the grass and uhmm, other smells of the country, I love to run! I know I have to get back home so I just continue to gooooooooo. When I hit the end of one road/street I decide how much energy I have left and change course to make it longer. Works for me. :flowerforyou:

    ^^this. maybe you just need a change of scenery?
    i wouldnt quite go as far as saying i HATE running, but i dont particularly like treadmills. i prefer running over other cardio as i feel like im actually acheiving something :) im up to 35 mins now, and thats pretty much my max without being bored out of my mind, even with my ipod to distract me!
    when i used to run outside, i would quite easily do 1hr 15, it was a hell of a lot more interesting than what im doing now, cant wait till it warms up and i can get back outside!
  • ButtercupSprad
    ....about how HOTTTTTT I will look in those size 5/6 Dereon jeans I just bought!
  • soymilkcoffee
    When listening to my iPod, I usually think that I'm a rock star performing on stage. :blushing:
    I also have a playlist of my "angry" songs that I listen to on the elliptical when I want to punch someone in the face!
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    Right now I concentrate more on my "run" - it's snowy and icy out, so I have to watch where I step, keeping up my pace, paying attention to how I'm feeling (I wear a HR monitor and have to keep it under a certain rate - had some testing on my heart done recently). When it's nice out I run early and I don't run with music then as it's quiet out and my mind wanders. In the gym I'm the one next to you lip syncing the lyrics.
  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    I think about life and stuff I need to do after my run. If I am outside and it's hilly I count to 32 and repeat as needed to push through and focus on something else besides the pain and the challenge.
  • dimplez711
    I'm stuck on 1:1 minute walk/run ratios, so usually I'm thinking about how awesome I'm gonna feel after each minute. Before I know it, the run is over.

    But there are some days where no matter how long or short my treadmill portion is, it seems to take forever. Those days, I gaze out into the parking lot (gym is on the second floor) and try to ID the makes and models of the cars that are coming and going. Weird, but occupying. :)
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I like to think about how much *kitten* I'm kicking!

    Sometimes I like to pretend I'm training for the Hunger Games.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    it varies for me..sometimes i plot stories in my head...sometimes i strategize a campaign im working on , sometimes watch something on tv that interests me.. at the gym i have them turn on three news channels so i can watch all the news at the same time , and then there are my music moments where i want to loose myself in tunes an run away from reality