Rookie here!!

Hi, I have been a member of MFP for a while now. I have made excuses for so long finding reasons to not exercise and eat healthier. I have even told myself that I'm just a big girl now and I'll have to accept it....well, NO MORE!!! Since graduating college 8 years ago, getting married and having my daughter (who is 5 now) I feel like I have put myself on the back burner long enough. I'm always so busy being a wife, mother and employee and I didn't want to spend my free time doing anything but sitting on the couch watching tv or reading a book. I'm tired of being the fat one, I'm tired of not having nice clothes to wear because shopping is too depressing and I'm tired of just being tired all the

I know this is going to take dedication, motivation and willpower. It's not going to change overnight and that's okay because it took years to get to this point. I hope to meet some people who will help me stay focused, encourage me and share my struggles. I will try my best to do the same. It's always easier if you have support from someone who truly understands what you're going through.