Exercises while at work.

So I have a "desk" job. Which is IT. I mostly sit all day tho there are a few times i get up and down to change a few things, but not much.

I was wondering if theres any type of exercise i could do while I'm sitting at my desk.?

Thanks :)


  • bebaird3
    I've been wondering this as well! It drives me absolutely crazy to have to sit there all day when I've finally become so motivated to be active and lose weight!
  • vanzylgreg
    Not sure if anything exists...I work at a desk all day also and I often times will stretch but cannot find anything to really exercise. I know that exercise balls work to tone the trunk but can cause compression issues and tightness in the spine. 8 hours a day is not recommended. Perhaps two minutes of standing squats per hour of work.