Juice? Raw? Just healthier choices?

I lost 30 pounds last year. Over the holidays I've gained back 20. :(

But I'm back on the wagon and trying to reach my ultimate goal weight of 145. .... Seems like that will be forever down the road.

I'm 205 now.... can't believe i even got here.

So trying to figure out a healthier life style. But there are so many choices and opinions. Also, have 3 kids and household of mouths to cook for, healthy eating isn't always easy to say the least. Sometimes there's just no time, energy, etc.

I've been looking into juicing. Seems like a quick solution that doesn't take that much effort. But not sure I can live on just juice alone, also not convinced it's totally healthy. Overall, healthy is my main goal.

I've been juicing 2 meals of the day and it's been keeping me full. Also trying to eat the rest of the day raw, or at least healthy choices. I've heard there are enzymes in raw food that can help aid weight loss and overall health. But all raw is SO hard. I like to eat warm food. Today I had some Chinese hot sour soup... Yumm!! Seems healthy, but not close to raw.

Looking for encouragement, inspirations, ideas, and other people in the same boat.

Don't think I can achieve this goal alone!


  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    I bought an Omega juicer about 2 years ago. I use it just about everyday to make my daughter's juice. I don't drink much fruit juice because it's very high in sugar. Though it is an excellent source of nutrients! You may want to add some solid foods into the diet along with some slow digesting carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, etc. If you do drink fruit juice, you may want to eat a few nuts to help reduce the spike on your blood sugar. :)
  • MasonMelissa
    MasonMelissa Posts: 525 Member
    If you are doing the juicing thing you have to keep in mind that you could take in one meals worth of calories in 1 drink. From exprience i have a juicer and when i started plugging in the amounts i was taking in about 350-450 Calories in 1 drink. The likely hood is that you would be full before you get through all the fruit and veg it takes to make a drink. I believe and so did my nutritionest that eating your fruits and veg were much better for you then drining them.
  • demelza123
    demelza123 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there. Are you looking at juicing as a way of getting weight off - or as a detox? I have done 3 days of juicing - both fruit (mornings) and vegetables (evening). After 3 days - I was sooo hungry for proper food. It's a great way to detox and it works but as way of loosing weight - or to consider juicing as a way of 'eating' - you may find this difficult and it's not a very social way to 'eat'. Soups/salads are always a good way to go .... also smoothies where you add protein powder are a good breakfast food (that was my meals for today). Eating tons of salads with a lean protein .... is just a better way to go for the long term success that can be managed. Good luck - friend me if you would like. Good luck ....stay the course!
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    Wow, lots of great replys! Thanks!

    I calculate that I have about 150 - 200 calories in each glass of juice I am drinking for breakfast and lunch. Using lots of spinach, kale, celery, tomatoes, mixed in with something like a grapefruit half, or an orange to sweeten. I am adding in all the raw foods I want, but really don't feel hungry after the juice. It's amazing how satisfied I feel, and the energy increase is great!

    I eat dinner with the family, but I make sure to offer some healthy choices on the table for everyone, and I mostly eat that. Last night we had pizza and raw veggie tray. That way I can have the same thing everyone else is having (raw veg), and skip the pizza if I want. If I really wanted a piece, I'd have one. I think moderation is the key to long term health.

    I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, which inspired me to dig out my juicer and give it a try. I'm looking at it as a jump start to getting the holiday weight I gained off, and transitioning back to a healthier life, eating choices, and weight. But I"m adding low calorie, healthy foods when I want them too. Today I had soup for lunch! :) This IS going to be the year I reach my goal weight. My average weight the last 5 years has been about 175. I get there, and feel "comfortable" and never actually reach my real goal of 145. But this year I really want to reach my ideal size.

    Great suggestion about the nuts. I've been meaning to read about the difference between "raw" nuts, and "normal" nuts. I'm guessing there's more to it than just being unsalted?
  • Hi there. Are you looking at juicing as a way of getting weight off - or as a detox? I have done 3 days of juicing - both fruit (mornings) and vegetables (evening). After 3 days - I was sooo hungry for proper food. It's a great way to detox and it works but as way of loosing weight - or to consider juicing as a way of 'eating' - you may find this difficult and it's not a very social way to 'eat'. Soups/salads are always a good way to go .... also smoothies where you add protein powder are a good breakfast food (that was my meals for today). Eating tons of salads with a lean protein .... is just a better way to go for the long term success that can be managed. Good luck - friend me if you would like. Good luck ....stay the course!

  • Wow, lots of great replys! Thanks!

    I calculate that I have about 150 - 200 calories in each glass of juice I am drinking for breakfast and lunch. Using lots of spinach, kale, celery, tomatoes, mixed in with something like a grapefruit half, or an orange to sweeten. I am adding in all the raw foods I want, but really don't feel hungry after the juice. It's amazing how satisfied I feel, and the energy increase is great!

    I eat dinner with the family, but I make sure to offer some healthy choices on the table for everyone, and I mostly eat that. Last night we had pizza and raw veggie tray. That way I can have the same thing everyone else is having (raw veg), and skip the pizza if I want. If I really wanted a piece, I'd have one. I think moderation is the key to long term health.

    I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, which inspired me to dig out my juicer and give it a try. I'm looking at it as a jump start to getting the holiday weight I gained off, and transitioning back to a healthier life, eating choices, and weight. But I"m adding low calorie, healthy foods when I want them too. Today I had soup for lunch! :) This IS going to be the year I reach my goal weight. My average weight the last 5 years has been about 175. I get there, and feel "comfortable" and never actually reach my real goal of 145. But this year I really want to reach my ideal size.

    Great suggestion about the nuts. I've been meaning to read about the difference between "raw" nuts, and "normal" nuts. I'm guessing there's more to it than just being unsalted?

    Yes please go with the raw nuts or UNSALTED roasted nuts. And definitely watch the nuts as far as intake/calories. Are you exercising? How is your water intake? Eating healthier food is great however coupled with exercise will definitely get you to your goal and maintaining it as well. Enjoy your journey!
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    Do you know what the difference is between raw and normal nuts, Butterfly? I had some walnuts this morning some juice made from 2 handfuls of kale, a big carrot, a small apple, 1/4 of a lime, 1/4 of a grapefruit, and 1/2 chunk of ginger. I have to admit it didn't taste great. But with the stomach flu going around the house, I thought the ginger would be a good immunity booster.

    why are raw nuts better for you? Can you buy them at a normal grocery store? Or do you have to go to a health food store? Do they say RAW on the package?

    Exercising is hard with 3 little kids to take care of. They kinda of are my exercise. I was running 5 nights a week for a mile last year. I'd like to get back into that. It really helped me feel good. Hard to find the time with the kids though.

    I've always been a big water drinker. I don't drink soda or any processed juice. Trying to eliminate coffee, but I cheated today with a cup of black.

    Thanks for the well wishes!

  • gmrday
    gmrday Posts: 2
    I just joined today and am a fellow juicer, how else can you spend 4 dollars for two days worth of nutrients. I bought the jack lalang juicer at costco and started with the mean green juice recipie on the internet. I lost 29 pounds within 9 days. I found after just doing the juice was not good because i needed to eat to. I am restarting again today and found this site off of a calorie counter app. I would appreciate any insight you may have learned from juicing.
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss! You're an inspiration! :)

    I can see juicing as a way to maintain a healthy long term diet, but I also eat as much raw whole foods that I want. I juice for breakfast, and usually lunch, but eat dinner with the kids. I make sure to offer healthy choices at dinner so I can still eat healthy, but if I do indulge in something I want, the juice helps keep my calories in check during the day, so I usually can still stay in calorie goals.

    I have a juiceman, but I don't like it because it spits the pulp out too much on the counter. I just bought a Hamilton beach juicer online. Hoping it's better.

    Good luck on your journey... I added you as a friend if you want to motivate each other and share juice tips.

    :) Jenny
  • flogem
    flogem Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm currently juicing too. I have the following for breakfast and lunch and am full till about 4ish! Then i have a healthy meal, like chicken or fish and fresh veg pref steamed. Don't think i could do raw i need warm food!!
    4 x Golden Delicious Apples (1/2 in the blender)
    1/4 of a pineapple
    1/4 of a lime
    1/2 an avacado (don't juice, whizz in blender with juice)
    1/3 cucumber
    2 celery sticks
    and a handful of spinach
    Its from the 'Turbo charge' book on this site (i got mine from amazon)...there are a few recipes on here too: http://www.juicemaster.com/
    It sounds awful but actually tastes great! Ive been doing home exercise videos about 4 times a week (30mins) and have lost 3lbs and an inch off everywhere in the last week, so happy!

    Have fun juicing :O)
  • jennyredfern
    jennyredfern Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for the recipe! I'll have to try it out! :)