Asthma when working out

I've always had some asthma when I workout really hard. It's acute, but I still find myself wheezing more often than not. It gets in the way of workouts. Anyone who has a similar experience or knows a lot on the subject have tips to share? Do you find it's worse certain times of the day or in certain climates?



  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i have a touch of what is called exercise induced asthma. it is worsened with cooler weather. its caused when when have to huff and puff through our mouths and the cold air constricts the bronchial passages. The best things to do is avoid cold weather exercise, or warm up slowly before you do the vigorous exercises. Many runners who run outside in winter wear mouth covers so they breath back in warmed air.

    look it up for further advice.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Do you have a rescue inhaler? I've pretty much outgrown my exercise induced asthma but thru high school & college, my inhaler was the only thing that got me thru track season.

    Anymore I only get a bit wheezy from allergies in the spring & fall, or cats, and I haven't had an acute attack in more than 10 years.
  • KTLundberg
    KTLundberg Posts: 2 Member
    I have found that using my rescue inhaler 10 minutes before a workout helps.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hola, I've had Asthma all of my life and after having joined the gym last year (after a 12 year gap, I know - how long lol) I find that I take my Salbutamol twice before I start a work out and it's on hand if I need it again. Take deep breaths when working out to help expand your lungs and stay hydrated! Give me a shout if you need any further advice! :)
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm a pharmacist and I also have exercise and cold induced asthma. You definitely should see your MD about this. You want to have a rescue inhaler handy when you work out but also sounds like you need better control over your asthma which might include a maintenance inhaler and/or increasing the dose of whatever maintenance inhaler you already have.

    Good luck and take care of yourself!!
  • I tend to use my inhaler before i work out, however i also find that if i don't warm up properly in cold conditions it hits me. I have a rower in my garage and it is very cold out there at the moment. 5 minutes warming up and my asthma is fine. Last night i forgot and went straight into it and it hit :-( Very frustrating.
  • I've had asthma since I was seven and had always struggled and become wheezy when exercising. My doctors put me on a new maintenance inhaler last summer called Seretide and its worked out really well. I still find I get a be wheezy running outside to begin with and have to take a rescue inhaler after about the first mile but once I've warmed up it doesn't cause me any problems. I'm fine working out indoors though and the last 4 Zumba classes I've really given in my all and not needed my inhaler at all!
  • shan_welch
    shan_welch Posts: 24 Member
    Hey! Iv had severe asthma my whole life -I find taking my preventative inhaler before a work out helps- cold weather does bring it on more but I find it improves the fitter I get- I was quite unfit half way through last year and would need my inhaler on every run but then got fitter and ran a half marathon in November without even needing it once!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Use your rescue inhaler before a workout and look up diaphragmatic breathing... That can help.
  • shan_welch
    shan_welch Posts: 24 Member
    It sounds like everyone finds warming up slowly helps! :-)
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, I've been asthmatic all of my life and I have found practacing breathing deeply in and slowly out helps me maintain that method throughout exercise. I practise when I meditate everyday. It's helped my lungs stay supple even though I also smoked for many years. Just recently quit!

    Take a maintenance medication daily and take your rescue inhaler with you. I never leave the house without it. Before an intense fitness class at the Gym I also take my rescue inhaler before starting the workout. That advice was given to me by a Specialist in Asthma when I was in my early teens and I've used that advice ever since. I've not had to stop exercise due to an asmtha attack yet.
  • Hi, I am a severe brittle allergic asthmatic, I have lived with it since I was 6. I was one of the five worst asthmatics in my country.and was told I would'nt see my 21st B-Day. I spent most of my childhood in hospital and couldn't do any sport. I had an attack that put me into a coma on life support for a month a few years back. And was given a drug to paralise me to prevent me fighting the breathing pipe. I have had to learn everything from scratch again, from walking to feeding myself. But I found I CAN workout. I take my ventolin pump 30 min before a workout and I take a preventative called seratide every morning and evening. I also choose exercise which keeps me away from as many allergins as possable (like swimming). Trust me when I say GO SEE YOUR GP!!! managing your asthma will prevent my story happening to you.:flowerforyou:
  • I have asthma. I use my inhaler as I begin my workout, and about halfway through my cardio. I find that trying to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth helps too.

    My asthma is (according to my dr) exercise induced, but I also have attacks triggered by smoking & allergies.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    This is all really helpful, thank you!