I kind of hate exercise.



  • OxleyT6899
    What most people don't get about wait loss is that it is harder to do something if you think of it as working out. Things like bowling, playing the drums, dancing etc. are great ways to burn calories without suffering threw the work outs. Hope this helped. Add me!!

    - Taylor
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    KOVA!!!!!!!!! You gotta mix exercise with physical activities you enjoy...skating, basketball, dancing, Frisbee, biking, hiking, bowling, gardening, touch-football, ping pong...you get the idea...find other things besides the gym you like! Mix it otherwise you get bored and your body gets used to it and does not progress.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i used to dislike exercise. got started with walking every day, and then worked my way up from there.

    there is probably some kind of exercise out there that you will really enjoy.