Wanting a Garmin HRM, but don't know which one to get

jenna715 Posts: 201
edited October 7 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been researching a while now and I believe Garmin is the brand I want to go with for a HRM, If price wasn't a huge issue, which one would you get? I've read the descriptions of all of them on Amazon but I don't feel they include a lot of detailed information. I emailed Garmin support with some questions which is where I learned the forerunner 110 displays cals only after the workout and can't be used indoors. Here are some things I'd like to do:

1. Accurately(as possible) track distance/cals for jogging
2. Accurately(as possible) count calories (and display during workout preferably, I know some of them will only display cals burned at the end of the workout)
3. I want to be able to use it for jogging and any other exercise, including indoors (will satellites be an issue or is there an indoor use function?)

I've seen that some have a footpod (for treadmills and such), but I'd prefer not to have to get one of those. Can it just use heart rate to calculate calories burned?

Can you recommend a specific model?



  • I found this website to have a good overview of the different Garmin GPS HRMs.

  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I got a forerunner 405 for a Christmas present and I'm pretty Hal with it, though I don't think it uses heart rate to calculate calories, just an equation based on weight, time etc like MFP and Runkeeper do.
    The GPS is really good - it keeps working when Runkeeper on my iPhone loses a signal which is great.
    The set up is easy, chest wrap is comfy, easy to use.
    I think there is a setting where you can plan a workout by how far you want to run OR how many cals you want to burn, maybe this would be handy?
    I tried it out doing strength work in my garage and it gave me a good record of heart rate, then I just found an online calculator to check my calories burned.
    You need the foot pod if you are going to use it on a treadmill.
    The distance is quite different (by about a quarter of a mile over 9 miles) from Runkeeper, so I really don't know which one is most accurate. I would guess the garmin is better as the iPhone tents to lose the gps signal pretty often.

    I hope this helps, feel free to hit me with specific questions about this model if you would like.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Starting with your point 3 you will need to get a footpod if you want it to track distance used indoors- two reasons for this 1) there may be some difficulty with staellites indoors, but, the real point is, when you are on a treadmill, to a gps at least, you are essentially stationery as you are standing on one spot (and remember the gps systems consumers use are only accurate to within a few feet or meters, which is the total length of the treadmill) thus Get one WITH a footpod (I believe many are compatible and you may simply need to buy this as an extra option)

    next, having just bought my husband his new Garmin for Christmas I have done a lot of research and here are my thoughts below (we are previous Polar users, love polar, think they are better HRMs and do everything better regarding HR and calories but Garmin is superior for GPS options and he is now at that stage where the GPS quality has become important

    a lot of the base models will not have all the options you want (Forerunner 110 I think does not work with the footpod)
    if battery life is important to you (ie you will train for a triathlon) your options are limited to the very large models (like the 310xt or the 910) the rest have, on average an 8 hour battery life in GPS mode (they do recharge fairly quickly, while you are uploading your workout data to the computer)

    the 210 seems to have all of the functions you are looking for, however if you want extra training functions I would look into the 405 or 405cx series.

    Also note the models with a touch bezel of the 410 seem to be persnickety when using while running (the owner of the running shop I went to said they stopped using their 410 for this reason, I suppose it depends on your finger size somewhat though) however they like for touch screen of the 610

    the "female versions" seem to be missing features and/or cost more on a lot of websites I have been on- irritating
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Based on Ruby Belle's comment I was inspired to go to the Garmin site - Ruby makes a good point- the 405 does NOT make its calorie count based on the HRM however the 405CX does as does the 210 - you can do a comparison models on the website like this chart here


    thanks Ruby for that comment- I may buy myself a new HRM and glad that you said that! :-)
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    Thanks everyone! I will check out the sites as soon as i can get on a computer.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    If you want to track calories for things other than just running you need: 405CX, 410 or 610.

    Amazon had 405CX with HRM strap for under $200 at one point.
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    If I don't care about tracking distance in doors, do I need the footpod for accurate calorie count or will the HRM take care of that? I don't care about distance inside but I'd like to know calories when doing aerobics. Right now I'm doing 30 day shred, will any HRM track calories for that?

    The 210 is looking like a contender... I see a lot of complaints about the 405cx's touch screen.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    you can use the "average hr" for the time you do exercise indoors (can separate it into splits of different averages for different machines by using the lap function), and then use this website http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm to calculate the calories burned if you want to use one that's doesn't calculate the calories burned by the heart rate...i have the garmin 305 and that's what i use to calculate the hr for zumba, boxercise, 30DS, at the gym etc...when i've compared it to the calculated calories for my runs/walks/cycles it's always been really close (within 10cals over an hour give or take).

    I'm pretty sure the hrms that calculate cal burn based on hr use that equation in anycase...but entirely up to you! it's a bit more hassle, but someone gave me the 305 to encourage my running and it did everything i wanted to do except the indoors stuff, and it seems easy enough to quickly work it out on the site as i add the exercise it to MFP food diary.

    Hope that helps...
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    That helps but I'd really like one that just calculates it for me... thanks though!

    For anyone who knows... say I buy the 110. I like how it looks, its nice and compact. I understand it will only display calories AFTER the workout is complete. Can I use the 110 inside doing 30 day shred and get a calorie count at the end or does it only track cals for running and stuff? I feel so dumb when it comes to HRMs!!
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    I just called Garmin support (which I was really happy with by the way, quick answer and someone I could actually understand), and the woman also suggested the 210 but she said the footpod would be good to have to make calorie counting more accurate, and even to wear it during aerobics and not just on a tread mill. This is making my decision so hard! I didn't want to have to buy the foot pod but the majority of my workouts are indoors.

    Does anyone else use a garmin HRM indoors without a footpod and feel that the calorie count is accurate?
  • keldawm
    keldawm Posts: 35 Member
    I can't answer your question on the 110 but I have the 405cx and LOVE it. I saw all of the reviews and the complaints, but decided it was what I needed for bike and run. It has not given me any problems and I have had it almost a year. I use it several days a week. For indoor training I use it just to tell me calories burned. Good luck making your decision. It took me weeks to decide.
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    I can't answer your question on the 110 but I have the 405cx and LOVE it. I saw all of the reviews and the complaints, but decided it was what I needed for bike and run. It has not given me any problems and I have had it almost a year. I use it several days a week. For indoor training I use it just to tell me calories burned. Good luck making your decision. It took me weeks to decide.

    Do you use it with or without a foot pod?
  • keldawm
    keldawm Posts: 35 Member
    Without, but I have considered getting one.
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    Thanks for everyones help! I ran down to REI and picked up a 210. It's charging. Hope I love it!! I'll be considering a footpod after a few workouts.
  • Britterz0427
    Britterz0427 Posts: 1 Member
    Jenna- how did the 210 work out for you? i am having the same issues trying to decide which one too buy and really want one that works for all exercised
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