Open diary anyone?



  • mbweissman
    Alright random strangers...

    I turn to you since my friends are not very positive influences, and certainly don't help keep me accountable.

    Don't get me wrong, they're nice people, but aren't coming with me on this eating healthier train. I feel like I need to be accountable to people other than myself on this thing, or it's never going to work.

    So...if anyone would like to help me be accountable, please add me. I'll be happy to try and motivate back!
  • EarthyChocl8AKA
    Thanks for all of your friend request!!! We are gonna rock this year out!!
  • cgcotten
    My diary is open and I am 100% honest with what I eat. Sometimes on the weekend though, I get busy
    and don't log but that doesn't mean that I necessarily cheated!! The main reason my diary is open so that
    I can be accountable for my food choices. So far its worked, 72 lbs lost!!
  • EarthyChocl8AKA
    love your weightloss ticker by the way :-)
  • awoodwaring
    awoodwaring Posts: 90 Member
    Mine is can see I ate 1/2 a frozen pizza and a Snickers today. :D Usually, I do eat a fair bit better. I also don't log Saturdays; those are my break days. I probably don't go over my calories, I just like to take a break from all of the logging/figuring calories.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi MFP fam, I am looking to add more friends who have OPEN and HONEST diaries (open to friends or public), I just joined a few days ago and have been logging in since I joined...I'm addicted, yes, it's even taken precedence over facebook.

    Anyhoo, I'm all about being open and honest and if you don't give up on me I won't give up on you!!! No judgments or defriending here but maybe a firm kick in the pants every now and then especially if you get off track more than one day and I expect the same in return...but it's all in love and motivation for a common goal.

    So, please add me if you have an OPEN and HONEST diary, but also that you are motivated to do better each day!!!

    Amen, my same probs.
    Friending now, and feel free to tell me where I'm messin' up ;)
  • maluprincess
    I love this topic!! I've logged binge days in the past not realizing that my diary was open and the MFP world saw my 'eat til I can't fit anything else' meal. Embarrassing days to record but honest nonetheless.

    It's an ongoing battle for me to go from eating whatever I felt like to making better choices for myself. It is getting easier but I definitely have my days...

    Anyone who also has honest diaries PLEASE feel free to add me!! I'd love to get a kick in the pants once in a while when I slip up... :)
  • _persephone_
    _persephone_ Posts: 138 Member
    Adding you :)
  • vtempes
    vtempes Posts: 47
    My diary is open and honest (not always as pretty as I'ld like but its all there). Definately looking for some honest butt kicking motivated MFPers. Feel free to add me!
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    I do! Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • thesameas
    thesameas Posts: 65 Member
    My diary is open to the public, and I am always compleatly honest with the food I eat :)