Why I am quiting diet soda and sugarless gum....

MY two new mini goals are to stop drinking diet soda (1 to 2 cans a day) and chewing sugarless gum (a pack a day) I know what your thinking WOW she chewed a pack a day of gum?? Well yes, but I am an ex-smoker it was my replacement therapy!

I have decided to stop these two habits bc I read on Shape.com that :

Worst Food: Soda
Registered dietitian and certified personal trainer Erin Palinski reminds us to avoid carbonated beverages. “These gassy drinks can fill our bellies with air, causing the stomach to look distended and bloated," Palinski says. “Instead aim for water or calorie-free beverages rich in antioxidants (which decrease inflammation which may be linked with increased abdominal fat storage) such as green tea."

and gum.....

Worst Food: Sugar-Free Gum
"Chewing gum may trigger us to swallow air, which can bloat the belly and cause it to look distended," Palinski says. "Sugar-free gum contains a high amount of sugar alcohols. These alcohols, since only partially digested, can lead to gas, bloating, and GI upset—all things that cause our belly to look and feel bloated."

I think it's the little things that I need to change since I only have 20 lbs to go to get to my goal weight....:-)


  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Good for you.

    I do chew some all natural gum that I get from VitaCost.com from time to time.