Homeschool Mom of 3 need encouragment



  • Oh, I forgot one! Zumba routines are hard for me, but it turns out there are a lot of them on YouTube, and Zumba instructors steal each other's routines a lot, so if you search on YouTube you can find the routines, a lot of the time, and put them on a playlist to do at home. My 11-yo and I practice the routines at home now, streaming YouTube through the XBox to the TV. We're not the worst in the class anymore! And it's free!

    Wow, Thanks! Great idea!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Melissa - Wow, I admire you that you have stayed home with your kids and have homeschooled. I have heard so many wonderful things about it. And if you're able to work out while the youngest is napping that can work.
    Even if your other kids work out with you. Can be like gym class. Im sure they would have lots of fun with you.
    Even dancing around the living room to fun music can be great exercise.
    keep it up! you can do this!

  • padraigin67
    padraigin67 Posts: 78 Member
    My granddaughters 6 & 4 yrs are homeschooled. On the days I have them we go on "nature walks", that way I can exercise and they still get a science lesson. On the cold days we mall walk and call it recess. The point is get in your exercise any way you can. Just moving is a big help. I know how hard it is to balance it all. Good luck:happy:
  • You might want to include more aerobic activity and have all your kids with you by playing with them outside if you can (depending on the weather). Like kickball with the 8 and 6 yo and having the baby in a stroller so you can keep an eye on him. It will get you going, you get playtime with the children AND they learn by your doing that activity is important to share.
  • fj211
    fj211 Posts: 95
    HI! I homeschool my nine year old. It's tough going with one--can't imagine three. You are my hero. We have been going out everyday and walking our two dogs. The sunshine really lifts my son's attitude.

    Is there a significant other that might find be able to give you a half hour of YOU time to work out? My husband is pretty decent about taking my son to the Y on Tuesday and Thursday so I have time to do things for me. It helps.
  • Natre
    Natre Posts: 14 Member
    I'm just loving all of this encouragement! That's why i love this site.

    I am a mom of two pre-teen sons who works full time but not a homeschooler. I do, however, get my kids involved in my exercise. We are doing p90x together. My oldest is a bit overweight and wanted to do something about it, so I got off my @$$ and said we would do it together. Then my husband saw us doing it and wanted to join in; then my youngest, who has no need to lose an ounce, wanted to join the fun and show us all how to do it right. lol! So, every evening we pop in a CD and do it together. They find it fun to show how they can do stuff better than the parents. Perhaps you could make it a class or part of family time with your kids?

    I've also been menu planning each week and that has been helpful for me coming home and knowing what i'm going to cook and plotting it in my MPF diary. i got some tips from skinnny mom's kitchen and i'm an organizing junkie off the web. It's been so helpful in my weight loss efforts.

    Good luck to you! Add me if you'd like.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Oh, I forgot one! Zumba routines are hard for me, but it turns out there are a lot of them on YouTube, and Zumba instructors steal each other's routines a lot, so if you search on YouTube you can find the routines, a lot of the time, and put them on a playlist to do at home. My 11-yo and I practice the routines at home now, streaming YouTube through the XBox to the TV. We're not the worst in the class anymore! And it's free!

    Wow, Thanks! Great idea!

    If you're interested, this is the playlist I use at home to practice to. All but 2-3 of these are routines we've done at the gym I go to, I just looked them up and found them online.

    I *think* the playlist is public:
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm a homeschooling mom of three, but I'm on the opposite end of this road from you - my kids are 24, 17, and 15. I've homeschooled since the eldest was in kindergarten (but he did go to public high school). My girls are doing high school at home - their choice.

    I remember those days of having all three little ones with me all the time. It can be challenging. Having them exercise with you is one option. Another option, though, is to exercise without them when your hubby can watch them. As a homeschooling mom, you really need time all to yourself. It helps keep you sane - ask me how I know! :wink: I've always been a better mom when I've had a little "me" time. Sometimes it was hard to find the time because of my husband's work schedule, but I have discovered that I really do feel better and have more energy if I get up at 5 (!) and hit the gym at 5:15. I'm a night owl and would have never believed it, but it is true!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm a homeschooling mom of three, but I'm on the opposite end of this road from you - my kids are 24, 17, and 15. I've homeschooled since the eldest was in kindergarten (but he did go to public high school). My girls are doing high school at home - their choice.

    I remember those days of having all three little ones with me all the time. It can be challenging. Having them exercise with you is one option. Another option, though, is to exercise without them when your hubby can watch them. As a homeschooling mom, you really need time all to yourself. It helps keep you sane - ask me how I know! :wink: I've always been a better mom when I've had a little "me" time. Sometimes it was hard to find the time because of my husband's work schedule, but I have discovered that I really do feel better and have more energy if I get up at 5 (!) and hit the gym at 5:15. I'm a night owl and would have never believed it, but it is true!

    I, too, am aging out of my role as homeschool mom--my kids are 19 and 16. I remember how hard it was to find time to myself. My kids did some homeschooling YMCA programs, and I now kick myself for not joining them in the pool, or using their gym time to go on the treadmill. So, fit it in as best you can, since your health affects your energy level. And homeschooling takes a whole lot of energy :smile:
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Homeschooling a 6 year old here and I can identify. Right now it is just feeling unorganized in life in general though and not just the exercise part of it! My husband is very supportive, so one thing I tried to do when it was not getting dark so early was get out after supper to talk a walk. I got alone time and exercise too! :) I have to admit I've been totally slacking in exercising lately, but I used to do DVDs as well. I would either get my son to walk along with me or he would play or do some work on the computer while I was walking for 20 minutes or so. I really liked doing Wii exercises too (Wii Fit and Gold's Gym Cardio boxing) and he liked to watch while I did that and sometimes join in.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    My sister homeschools her 2 (soon to be 3) kids, ages 9 and 7. Ever since they were little, she would schedule into the day a quiet time. When they were really little, it was their nap time, as they got older, they could choose to nap, read, color, any quiet activity. Right now, they're learning Spanish, so they call it their "Siesta". My sister uses this time to work out. She has kept it up even thru her pregnancy. I'm super proud of her!

    Sounds like you have a great little helper there, too. :) Good luck, and keep it up!
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Well done for getting some exercise in, however it happens! I homeschool my four daughters, and usually exercise before they wake up in the morning - yep that means 4am starts. But you do what you gotta do right?
  • Melissa,

    Sending you a request now. I am so excited for you to have taken the step and joined. Being a mom and homeschooling is a big commitment that is worth the reward. I know that if you keep with logging, exercising, and remind yourself that this is a journey with ups and downs and to not give up you will succeed! I would encourage you to set some mini goals for yourself right away. I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and am on day 8, it has been a great new challenge for me. Keep up the great work by putting yourself as a priority, your children will only benefit from this. What a great example!
  • LKissam
    LKissam Posts: 44 Member
    Hello! i am a homeschooling mom of 4, ages 10,9,6 &3. feel free to add me! We have been terrible about exercising with our kids since starting homeschooling, but have recently started circuit training with them! it is so fun and they enjoy it! get 6 or more exercises (my hubby makes them fun for the little ones..ex.. froggie leapies) which are jump squats down the hall! lol and do them each for 1 min and go through the circuit as many times as you feel u can. we usually do 2 and then a 5-10 min stretch after! We also do p90x, tae bo, wii fit, just dance, and go to tthe track. I would also love the support and encouragement from Y'all! Good luck to you all! one day at a time..working tward healthy homes and bodies! :o)
  • hello and welcome here hope you have a great day
  • MariaL93
    MariaL93 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Melissa! I'm Maria and I also homeschool three children. 14, 12 and 8 and a Preacher's Wife. I totally understand about being busy and finding time. I have always been an early riser so getting my workouts in first thing is what works for me. I feel like a better parent, teacher, wife..etc Feel free to add me if you like. I need and give lots of encourgament!

  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Hello from another homeschooler! My oldest is 18 (and will be graduating from public school in May), but I homeschool a 10, 7, and 5 year old while trying to keep a 3yo toddler occupied, while breastfeeding a 10 month old. I understand how hard it is to work it all in!

    The thing that has made the biggest difference for me is doing *something*, even if I don't have time to do what I consider to be a real workout. 15 minutes of "jumping rope", jogging in place, jumping jacks, squats, lunges, pushups, plank, etc. before I get into the shower helps to wake me up and give me energy. The kids love to join me! The baby squeals with delight (and adds extra intensity) when I do squats and lunges through the house while holding her. It sets a good tone for the day when we turn on some upbeat music and dance around the den after our morning prayers. When hubby is home and I can do a "real" workout, I go at it hard. When I'm pressed for time, I just do what I can. When I'm exhausted, I give myself permission to just to a 5 minute warmup (and after I get warmed up, I almost always can do more.)
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Melissa...and everyone else. I, too, have homeschooled my 3 children from the beginning and remember how joyfullly exhausting the young years were. Exercise went just about off my radar until my in-laws gave us money to buy a basic treadmill. I used it sporadically at best, having never been athletic and being legitimately busy, with no extra money for the gym, formal exercise was easy to ignore. Not that there weren't videos available then, but now there are so many more affordable options available for exercising, with or without children. There are dvds, Youtube videos, Wii fitness, dance, etc. games. You may not be able to really get to sweating, but doing some of these with the children will give all of you fun, memorable, and beneficial time. These precious years fly by, so don't be hard on yourself if you can't get the exercise you would like. I may not have gotten the exercise (or rest) I needed or been as fit as I would have liked, but I loved those sweet years and wouldn't trade them for anything.

    Now that my 3children are 17, 14, and 12 and I'm well into my 40s, I am able to fit in more exercise time if I will just stay disciplined. I'm on this site now so I can establish accountability because I can manage to find time for just about everything EXCEPT exercise. :o\

    I'm particularly motivated by the opportunity to run a 10K on Labor Day. goes.