Turbo Jammers 3/9-3/15



  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Dragonfly...that stinks about the internet. WTG on those workouts!!! Glad I'm not the only one to appreciate a little LL Cool J:laugh:

    Deedun...don't beat yourself up over the weekend. I think most of us have been there...done that:tongue::grumble: Great job getting back on track w/ the workouts!

    Have a great night everyone!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Janet - I feel lost when I don't have my computer or my internet at home. I nearly lost my mind when the computer had to be sent out to get fixed! Ack! Good luck surviving. :laugh:

    Deedun - Well, I sent you a PM. :bigsmile: Those 2# I'm sure are just sodium pounds & will disappear quickly!

    Kelly - :laugh: My friend (Carrie) that introduced me to TJ has a thing for LLCoolJ, too. HA! Don't drool too much, that'll just add to the dehydration. :wink:

    Busy day here ladies. Another one of those "run around like crazy" days...and to top it off, it is raining. yay. I hope to get in PK&J & either yoga or TS today. We'll see what happens. I don't hold my breath on Tuesdays. :tongue:
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    gottaluv LOL about LL CoolJay. I do the same thing, drool that is.

    Sounds like we all love "momma's gonna knock you out". That's definitely my favorite.

    Well it's official. Down 5 lbs this week. WOOHOOOO's to me. I love that first week WI. Now on to week #2. It's gonna be a good one too.

    I did Lower Body Jam this morning. WHEW my legs are shaking.

    Hugs to all
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Michele...WTG on the 5 pound loss! Keep up the good work:flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Checking in today w/ Turbo Sculpt! I really miss the cardio but I know I have to do the strength training to up the metabolism and aid in the toning - I di manage to do CPand Ab Jam after work last night and it wore me out!! Will do Ab Jam and something else later today.

    Michele- great job on your week 1 loss!!! that 1st week loss is always such a lift!! keep up like you're going and week 2 will definitley be just as good:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: maybe my "somehting else will be lower body jam (that area definitly is under construction:laugh: !

    Sarah- if I didn't have the net at work i'd be nuts for sure:noway: !! I know your weigh in this week is going to be ridiculous with all of the work outs you've gotten in!! good for you!! Try to at least take one breath today, okay? :wink:

    Gottaluv- You're ticker just keeps on moving , i'm so proud of you!! keep up thededication to your work outs...... and don't get to "dehydrated" ,, hahahaha!

    Hey,where's Drevansmom and Megan??????

    Take care you all and I'll try to check in before I leave!

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I don't know if it was the afternoon coffee yesterday or the time change but I was up late and then of course I got up late. Can't sleep in tomorrow...additional child will be here at 7:20!! AND we have a playdate at 10 so I'm really gonna have to get up and get going or I wont get my workout in!

    It's almost time to put my son on the bus and then I'm gonna work out. I'm feeling CP3 today..."all you dance fans let me hear you clap your hands..." LOVE IT!!! (in the voice of Weezy from DragonTales...sorry mommy reference :laugh: )

    Michele-Congrats on your weight loss. 5 lbs is so great for your first week. Be proud of your accomplishment!

    Sara-I hope you survive your busy day!

    Janet-great job getting your toning in. I'm so stuck on cardio, a lot of time I forget to get the toning in.

    Kelly-you are half way to your goal! How great does that feel??

    I'm so proud of all of you!
    I'm sure I'll be back later....anyone a fan of Biggest Loser? I love Tuesdays!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Michele, didn't get a chance to congratulate you yet on the 5#...WTG!!!:drinker:
    Deedun...you too!! Congrats on your "ticker move"! :drinker:

    Janet, bummer about your computer...glad you can join us from work though! :heart:

    Good job on everyone's work outs! I'm still sore from yesterday, apparently all this cardio is working because I was able to jog yesterday for a full 30 mins before switching to walking. Actually I could have kept going but my knees were killing me :grumble:

    No workout today, I've got a tummy bug that's been going around the family :sick: Dragging myself from the couch to the computer is about all I'm up for :laugh:

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Dragonfly...WTG on those workouts!!! I have to keep reminding myself about the strength training as well. I'm really liking TS, though:smile: Keep up the awesome work!

    Lyn...Oh, you had me cracking up w/ the Weezy comment :laugh: :laugh: Enjoy your workout today! I cannot stay away from my afternoon coffee so I hear you on staying up late:tongue: I'm pretty excited about being at the halfway point. I *may* go for another 5 pounds once I hit it, but plan on seeing how I feel first.

    Checking in w/ TS and about 10 min of 20 min workout. The little guy is teething BAD and didn't nap long at all:sad: :sad:

    Have a great day all!!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Michele, didn't get a chance to congratulate you yet on the 5#...WTG!!!:drinker:
    Deedun...you too!! Congrats on your "ticker move"! :drinker:

    Janet, bummer about your computer...glad you can join us from work though! :heart:

    Good job on everyone's work outs! I'm still sore from yesterday, apparently all this cardio is working because I was able to jog yesterday for a full 30 mins before switching to walking. Actually I could have kept going but my knees were killing me :grumble:

    No workout today, I've got a tummy bug that's been going around the family :sick: Dragging myself from the couch to the computer is about all I'm up for :laugh:

    Have a great evening everyone!

    Thanks Megan :happy: i am delighted!!

    Sorry to hear you're not feeling well!! Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    I think nearly everyone hear has a knee complaint! i know I have!!

    Well I got in 45mins in the gym in work and just finished the 20min workout.. so far I have burned 560cals today.. not too bad! Hopefully it will knock off those dodgy 2lbs that I put on over the weekend :laugh:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Deedun you are doing great! I'm glad that you are able to hit the gym at work. Are you liking your new HRM? Isn't it great to see how much you are working off, instead of just how much you are taking in!

    Megan sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you are 100% by tomorrow. Great job on your jog!

    Kelly-sorry to hear the little man is teething....Adi just cut her 2 top teeth and seemed to do it with no probs...but the 3 she has on the bottom were a PAIN for me and her!!!

    Janet I feel for you on your computer woes. Our modem I think is dying and sometimes I can get on and some times I can't and I'm about ready to drop kick it out the window :mad:

    I have to revoke my favorite combo comment....I've decided that I love all the combos on CP3...the last one before the cool down isn't my favorite yet cuz it's so fast and gets my HRM screaming at me but I love the way that whole workout makes me feel. I think a lot of it has to do with the fun music but again that's next weeks discussion.

    Going to walk to the school to get my son.
    Have a great day!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Megan...sorry you are not feeling well. Feel better soon and lots of (((hugs))):flowerforyou:

    Deedun...Great job on those workouts!

    Lyn...WooHoo on your workouts as well. All of your talk of CP3 has me thinking that will be my next TJ purchase.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Lyn, I agree, I really like all of CP3...I know what you mean about the last combo though...after the Turbo I'm ready to pack it in and those last few combos kill me. :tongue: I don't have CP2, I think I'm going to order it for some variety...how do you guys like it compared to 1 and 3?

    Kelly, sorry to hear your little guys teething. Poor things, that has to be so miserable for them!
  • snarf1234
    snarf1234 Posts: 19
    I LOVE Turbo Jam! I started it two months ago and am completely addicted. This afternoon, I did Tae Bo Ultimate... it's 90 minutes and they say it's a "test" and don't expect to complete it, just do what you can and it's only something you should do once a week.... I breezed through it. Honestly 45 minutes of Turbo Jam (especially Mix #3) is much more intense and sometimes I have to pause the dvd. Turbo Jam is the BEST!
    Question for you guys...
    Do you eat all your work out calories? I have been busting my butt for four weeks, 1.5 hours 4 days a week, 1 hour 2 days a week and watching my calories religiously and not losing ANY weight! I have been eating my workout calories, but I am at 1200 calories a day, and I find if I don't eat my additional workout calories I can't get through the tough workouts. I am noticing more tone in my body, but oddly the body fat indicator on my scale says it's gone UP 2% (which REALLY ticks me off) and my weight hasn't moved a bit. Very discouraging....
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    I LOVE Turbo Jam! I started it two months ago and am completely addicted. This afternoon, I did Tae Bo Ultimate... it's 90 minutes and they say it's a "test" and don't expect to complete it, just do what you can and it's only something you should do once a week.... I breezed through it. Honestly 45 minutes of Turbo Jam (especially Mix #3) is much more intense and sometimes I have to pause the dvd. Turbo Jam is the BEST!
    Question for you guys...
    Do you eat all your work out calories? I have been busting my butt for four weeks, 1.5 hours 4 days a week, 1 hour 2 days a week and watching my calories religiously and not losing ANY weight! I have been eating my workout calories, but I am at 1200 calories a day, and I find if I don't eat my additional workout calories I can't get through the tough workouts. I am noticing more tone in my body, but oddly the body fat indicator on my scale says it's gone UP 2% (which REALLY ticks me off) and my weight hasn't moved a bit. Very discouraging....

    Hi Snarf! Welcome to the thread!!! :flowerforyou: That workout calorie thing is a bugger isn't it? :laugh: Here's what I did...I was also on 1200 calories baseline, now I don't know how much you have to lose, I lost 16 lbs and I'm very small boned, etc, so even at 1200/day my rate was only about 1/2 lb per week. But your definitely right, on days when i didn't eat 1200 I FELT it...I had no energy the next day for my workouts. So I always ate at least 1200 and on workout days, I ate some, but not all of my exercise calories. It took me almost a year to lose that 16 lbs, but I'm glad I did it that way because I definitely feel like I can maintain my weight now, and probably more importantly, my eating habits are so much healthier.

    Also, I try not to get too hung up on the scale (easy to say, I know :tongue: ). But that thing does more harm than good sometimes. I noticed that my weight would not budge for a couple weeks at a time, maybe even go up a little, and then suddenly I'd be down 4 lbs. It can be very discouraging, but try to be patient...it's well worth it!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    I thought of one more thing...

    you say you're eating your workout calories...are you eating all of them? If so, are you monitoring your workout calories with a HRM? I've found the calories I'm burning on any given day can really vary even doing the same workouts, so I'd just be careful about eating all of the calories if I'm estimating them.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Me again...last time, I promise! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I just looked at your profile, and saw you only have 10 lbs to lose...so you're probably in the same boat I was. The last 5-10 lbs are so tough...SLOW AND STEADY....you'll get there!!!
  • snarf1234
    snarf1234 Posts: 19
    Megan... I can't thank you enough! I am in the same boat as you... I don't have much to lose, but I didn't think it would be sooooo hard! I'm going to take your advice and get a HRM and maybe that will help me better calculate actual calories burned. Back in the day, I could lose 5 pounds in a week without much effort.... but after I hit 35 y/o.... my body isn't giving up the fat that easily! I really, really appreciate your feedback, it means a lot!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Would it be wrong of me to BEG all of you to hold of on your TJ purchases until I can get my site up & running right?! PLEEEEEAAAASE?! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: I'll love you forever! :heart: :glasses:

    Snarf - Welcome to the TJ thread! Megan answered all of your questions already, I think. :laugh: BUT, I agree. A HRM is my new best friend! I am not a good calorie counter. Sometimes I eat my exercise cals, sometimes I don't...sometimes I don't know. :embarassed: I'm at my "last pounds" too & it is taking quite some time...at least slower than it WAS coming off! Geesh! Hope to see you around more often!

    Megan - are you feeling any better? *hugs*

    Hey, Kelly, Lyn, Deedun, Janet & all y'all! I just got done with PK&J & about 15 minutes of yoga. Woo hoo! I decided to get the membership to the gym so I'm going to Turbo Kick tomorrow night with a new instructor. Should be interesting to see the difference in the teaching styles. I'm also going to try spinning (on Thursday, I think...). Eek!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Oh, and another momm/dragon tails comment. My husband thinks it is funny to yell, "LOOOOOVE IT!" :grumble: I find no amusement in it. :tongue:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Snarf...you're so welcome :smile: I know exactly what you mean, I used to be able to lose 5-10 lbs like it was nothing then I hit 40 and that all changed!!!

    Sara...of course i'll wait for you to get your site up to order...that will be great!

    And thanks everyone for you kind words...I'm starting to feel better, I'm sure I'll be back jammin' tomorrow!