New oldie or old newie?

Hello, I joined a month or so ago and never did anything on here. However, I think now is the time to start.

I was 70 at Christmas, I have Knee Issues and care for my OH and daughter. I feed my daughter and granddaughter after school during the week because DD has fibromyalgia, an unpleasant debilitating Thing that renders her incapable of cooking and washing up. Wish I'd thought of that a few years ago!


  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there

    You have your hands full! I cared for my mother for six years - she had dementia - and I have just had a visit from my neighbour who had done the same some years, and then took on her extremely unloving and unpleasant mother in law six months ago. She just came in to tell me she can't take any more and her MIL will have to go into a home. So I'm just finished being supportive to someone who was very supportive to me!

    I'm 64, I had a yoga (yes!) injury six months ago which left me with muscles in cramp, knots in my thigh and an inflamed hip. After a lot of pain and two months when I could barely walk, it's much much improved but I think has accelerated arthritis in my hip. My knees are not good either! and also have some arthritis,

    I got the phone app for MFP just before New Year and logged in here less than a week ago. I love it! I need to lose 50lbs or so.

    I'd live to be a diet buddy if you like. I have two sons and two grandchildren, 5 and 3. My lovely husband and I only married four years ago, I had been divorced for 25 years.