BMI Ideal Weight? Seriously?

Ok so here is my question. How accurate is this BMI ideal weight on here? I am 5'4" and currently at 154. I am in a size 6 or 8. Lost almost 10 pounds already and look great - getting compliments etc. I have never in my teen or adult life weighed under 140 pounds. At that time people told me I looked "too thin". I grew up a dancer and am still a dance teacher.... I have very muscular legs. I am working on getting everything down... I know I could do another 10 pounds and thats my goal. But even when i reach that I am just under the healthy BMI for my height. I cant imagine getting smaller. I know to each is own and everyone is different. I dont know I guess I am just a little annoyed with the numbers. Anyone else?


  • BMI is not an accurate measure of the body fat you are carrying around. Use the calipers.
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    BMI is useless for individuals. its main purpose is for health researchers like me to categorize entire populations easily and very cost effectively. on an individual basis, BMI is misleading and really not something you should put much effort into. there are so many factors involved with health that get missed. And to take it a bit further, weight is one of the worst indicators of health, so you really are not getting any useful information about your health with BMI, or even weight.

    forget about BMI, focus on being the best YOU that you can be,