A first??? :)

AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
:heart: First let me say that I LOVE this site. I love the support, friendships, banters, all of it! But each day I get on the forums and read about someone's affair, someone else's lack of home support, about people's unhappiness in general... GEESH PEOPLE! Is life really all that bad for people out there in the world:huh: ? I sure hope not!

How about some GOOD news? Any GREAT relationships out there? Any husbands/wives that support them day in and day out...EVEN IF THEY AREN'T DIETING??? New jobs? Did your kids win the big game? New house or apt???

:smile: I'll start! I've been with my husband for more than 13 years, married for 10. He is AWESOME. He loves me whether I am big, small, or somewhere in the middle. He thinks it's great when I exercise or when I sit on the couch. He is always there for me, good days or bad. Never in all of those years has either of us thought to seek the comfort of someone else. My son is playing basket ball in the 3rd grade and while the team is less than stellar in their winning ability so far, they make up for it in spirit!

Please understand that I definately know the need for venting... Just wanted some GOOD news for a minute:wink:


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I like a bit of positivity.

    I'm getting married next year. I'm not saying we have the perfect dynamic, but we work hard and I love my fiance with all my heart. We believe in strong communication, working through our worries and getting through things together, and there's a lot to look forward to.

    I got into debt quite a few years ago in order to help him after he almost died, back when we were best friends. It's been difficult, but I'm due to get out of debt this month and I can't wait - I look forward to that pressure being gone, and having money to spend on things I want for the first time in my life! Definitely something to be positive about.

    We try and support each other with food/weight, too. We're not the best at it. I've been living a healthy lifestyle for 15 months, and he's still in the on-off dieting stage. I sometimes find that hard as he's much less healthy than me, and I'll be honest in saying it sometimes hurts to know that in making myself healthy whilst he's not following I'm likely to lose him early and have many, many years lonely without him, but I know that's all the more reason to treasure what we have now. In a few years we plan to start a family, and I know that we'll be strong and happy when we do. I learnt a lot from my own childhood, I work with children now and I have a very strong maternal instinct. My career's very successful right now, and with a decent income, a strong relationship and in future a happy family, I know I've got nothing to feel down about! :)

    Looking forward to reading other replies to this - it's good to remind ourselves what we can be thankful of sometimes! I'm aware some of my post SOUNDS a little negative, but it's only for explaining my positivity now!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    FABULOUS Cheryl! Thank you... (I was beginning to wonder if anyone had anything good to post!:laugh: ) Hope there are plenty more to come!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Nice! As I've mentioned before, I also have an awesome and supportive husband. He loved me when I was 35 lbs heavier, but he's ALL OVER ME now that I'm smaller and more fit. He never complains when my alarm goes off around 4ish every morning to leave for the gym and he's usually up for a nice long bike ride with me in the nice weather. For my Christmas gift this year he took on the monthly fee at the expensive gym I wanted to join.

    Additionally, my brother, in-laws, friends and parents have been super complimentary about my weight loss and fitness goals. With the exception of some odd comments (like "don't lose too much", or "you're going to waste away") from people I really don't even know that well, nobody has been anything but supportive.

    I feel bad for the people who have no support, and am glad to see many who are still plugging away and doing this for themselves, but it makes me appreciate my support system so much more!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Heidi, I love it! You are a super positive person and a blessing to my time here on MFP! I'm glad that things are going well for you! We all do so much better when we are HAPPY:flowerforyou:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    The sad reality is that most people don't have another place to express their frustrations because most of us tell all of our "real life" friends that everything is fine. So even though I don't want to hear it all of the time, I try not to let the negative posts get to me. Someone posted something like this the other day and asked for positive stories. I am thankful that even though my life is in total chaos right now (both my husband and I are unemployed) that I am able to remain positive in most if not all aspects of my life. The reason I can do that is because I am vulnerable and share about what's going on with friends and family so it's not all bottled up inside of me. There are definitely some constant whiners on here, but it's real life stuff that is happening to people and they have the right to share it however they please.
  • AliceIsRunning
    AliceIsRunning Posts: 220 Member
    It's great to read positive things in the morning.

    I was just thinking about this in the car this morning: I'm not waiting for my "Happily Ever After" to come - I'm living it. Today. Now. and I couldn't be more blessed.

    My boyfriend of 2 years and I recently moved in together. It's been scary/exciting as we both have kids from our previous marriages (his 13 y/o son, 21 y/o daughter and my 19 y/o son). I'm excited on this new chapter of our lives (it helps that the kids seem to be getting along too!)

    My BF has also been very supportive of my weight loss and has joined me and actually lost more weight than me (I hate men for this lol). He encourages me to eat better, I encourage him to exercise. It's a perfect fit :heart:
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    :huh: I'm a little saddened by the end of your post... i don't mean that people CANNOT share their deep tragic, personal stuff if they so choose. I'm not even saying that they SHOULDN'T post stuff on line etc. etc. Obviously I read it and comment when i feel necessary or the 'want to'.

    I am saying that I would like to hear something positive... I cannot believe that there was a way to turn that into a NEGATIVE?! :laugh: :laugh: I hope that it wasn't mean to... YIKES!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Alice... that is GREAT! I would love to use that line... Living my Happily Ever After! I love that! Thanks!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I'm happily married and still crazy in love with my husband. We've been together 10 years and married for 7 1/2. He is very supportive and encourages me to be the me I want to be. We have 2 amazing kids...our daughter is 11 (he adopted her when she was 5) and is taller than I am (5'4"). She plays softball and is the kindest person I know. Our son is 8 and is the funniest kid. He is smart and amazing. I have a good job that allows my husband to attend school full time after working in the car business for too many years and spending too many hours away from the family. I love that he can be there for the small and big things.

    I feel sad for people who don't have support or are having a rough time, but its nice to hear some happy stories too!
  • Mikesrobin
    Mikesrobin Posts: 44 Member
    I love this topic.

    My husband and I started our "Life style change" as he calls it last July 19th. He has lost 61 lbs to date and I have lost 24 lbs. We are doing this together since we both are (I mean were) unhealthy. We were both in the Military for 20 years and during that time the training kept us in shape. Once we were out the weight piled on. For him he gained about 150 lbs in 10 years and for me it was about 40 in 5 years.

    Now we are both changing our lifes for each other because we want to have many more years together. We hit the 25 year mark in October and plan on going for at least another 25.

    I always see these negative complants about spouses not supporting the other and that is just too bad. I am so glad that we have each others support even when I was on the diet and he wasn't he prepared healthy meals for me. Now we are both on this plan we have created a whole new life.

    BTW the energy that we have now is amazing. Just another added benefit to this change.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I have a husband that supports me in everything I do, he loved me at 250 and he loves me now! I have 2 beautiful children who love their momma and make my life brighter everyday. I'm very blessed!! It's sad to see all the sad stories on here of unfaithful spouses, unsupportive spouses, and all around a miserable life. MFP is such a great website, we can uplift when life is hard and celebrate each other when life is good!
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    Not really a “guy” topic, but I’ll answer anyway.

    When I was single, I used to say that anyone could be fun on extravagant dates or vacations. I wanted to marry someone who was fun to go to the grocery store with, because there were a lot more trips to the grocery store than vacations. And I did. Tngirlygirl is everything I could want in a wife.

    I love her kids, she loves mine, and they love each other. We are getting healthier (she’s lost over 50 lbs and I’ve lost 30), and we are doing the exercise/better eating thing together, making it that much more fun. She was beautiful then, and she is beautiful now.

    We are generally meeting our financial goals and helping our kids prepare to be adults. We share our faith with each other and she is an inspiration to me in that area as well.

    Everything isn’t perfect of course, as we also get frustrated about jobs, schedules, occasional health issues, not having everything we want materially (I don’t think anyone does). And I stay mad at Washington DC most of the time, lol. But overall, I can’t think of anyone I would even consider exchanging lives with. And I can’t see mine without her.

    There are a lot of drama kings and queens on any website, and this one is no exception. Some have real problems in their lives, but many worry about the little stuff. I feel sorry for them, but not because of their situation. Rather I feel sorry that they allow the negative to overcome the joy that exists in every life.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    These responses make my :heart: smile! Thanks AudgePaudge and Mikesrobin! Have a great day!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    AWESOME! Not a guys topic??? Sure it is! ALL happy thoughts are welcome! Thank you for sharing! :drinker:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    InTenn - I'd say positivity is a topic for everyone! I loved your post - thanks! :)
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    You bet I have one! Hubby asked if he could work out with me yesterday! I used to try to get him on board, but I don't think he was ready, so it was great having him ask. We had a great time and even laughed at ourselves while trying some new moves! Hope he continues and if not, I'm thankful he did it to show an interest in what I'm doing. :heart:

    Kudos for starting this thread!
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member

    My girlfriend is pretty awesome; she supports me, cooks me dinner, eats yogurt with me [I hate yogurt], deals with me playing music 24/7, washes the dishes, doesn't mind that I'd rather work all night, and she cuddles with me when I'm just coming in from skating in thirty degree weather, and am cold. Win.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Kandie, that is FABULOUS! Thank you for sharing!
    Weepingwillow, that is really nice! So good that you have a supportive girl that is there for you!
    I'm soooo glad that I posted this!:heart:
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    I've been with my husband 13 years - been married for 10. We have 5 beautiful children ages 19, 17, 8, 6 and 5! Our oldest just started college and our youngest just started pre-school - crazy times in our house!

    My husband and I have a great relationship. We argue, we yell, we support, we love. :heart:

    My boys just started wrestling and had their very first tournament - both took home 2nd place! It was a pretty good day!
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,757 Member
    Great thread!

    Another happy and healthy relationship here! My bf and I have been together 2 years TODAY! This is the healthiest relationship I've ever been in. I was telling him just last week that my ex-husband showed me what it should never be like, the guy I dated after my divorce showed me it didn't have to be like that, my bf shows me how it should be! We're great together. He's taken my two kids in and loves and adores them as if they were his. We have a blast together doing little things. We communicate with each other all the time! I think I'm gonna keep him! :smile:

    Other good news - my injury from last June is finally just about completely healed. All of the muscle damage is healing and starting to hurt a whole lot less! I'm excited to not live in pain all the time!!!