Second Chance

Hey again to everyone--
I've been here before but found myself making a lot of excuses and didn't always log in so I ended up deleting my account.
Probably like many others, with New Years I made the resolution to get healthy once and for all so I am back and in need of all the support that I can get.

Looking forward to meeting everyone... please feel free to add me!

First Question: In your food diary, do you leave the things measured to the default (calories, carbs, fat, protein) or have you found it beneficial for you to monitor additional things on a daily basis?


  • fluffyrn12
    fluffyrn12 Posts: 70 Member
    I left the default...never thought of changing it...This is also my 2nd time on MFP, Don't know why I every really does work. Feel free to friend request me.