New here... I have more Subway points than I do $ in my 401k


I'm a Drive Through and Junk Food Junkie. I started cold turkey yesterday. I think (hope) logging my food will help me. We'll see soon enough!

Hoping 2012 will be a healthier year!!! Cheers everyone!



  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome! Love the topic heading :) Good luck to you! You will come to love MFP and hopefully meet some really great friends :)
  • Taushina
    Taushina Posts: 69 Member
    Yes, I agree, you will grow to love MFP!! :D Welcome.
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member

    and FYI, There is nothing wrong with Subway! I literally eat Subway veggie delite sandwiches 4 times a week. :)
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I love veggie Subway with vinegar! I have it once a week for lunch... Welcome to MFP.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Yes, tracking makes a big difference if you stick to it.

    And you could do much worse in terms of fast food than Subway. At least they have real food, including veggies!
  • Hi

    Right there with you mate, started last week with first week weigh in resulting in -8 lbs:smile:

    Look forward to hearing how you get on.
