
fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been with MFP since late January. Before I began I was eating around 1,000 calories daily, and was losing weight. Once I began following the guidelines here, which is around 1,200 calories daily, my weight loss stopped, and I have even regained a little. I am short 5'0"
and I weigh 130. My goal is to weigh 125. I am frustrated. Am I eating too few calories? I am exercising, but not a tremendous amount. Walk Away the Pounds 30-40 mins 3x week. Help


  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    I have been with MFP since late January. Before I began I was eating around 1,000 calories daily, and was losing weight. Once I began following the guidelines here, which is around 1,200 calories daily, my weight loss stopped, and I have even regained a little. I am short 5'0"
    and I weigh 130. My goal is to weigh 125. I am frustrated. Am I eating too few calories? I am exercising, but not a tremendous amount. Walk Away the Pounds 30-40 mins 3x week. Help
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Here is something to remember - Can you live off of 1200 calories a day forever?
    In my fitness magazine someone wrote in asking if they can increase their calories since they hit their goal weight and the answer was NO because your body becomes used to eating those few calories and if increasing you will gain.

    Me personally I think 1200 is too low- Jillian Michaels and my fitness magazine says to eat 1400-1600 calories and to workout-

    By you eating 1000 calories that wasn't enough of course you were losing weight- but then with you increasing it your body is going to hold onto what you put in your mouth because you weren't feeding it properly.

    Also you may not have alot to lose if its 20lbs or less you basically have to fight those pounds off try increasing your workouts throw in some strength training- Inches are just as good if not better than pounds. Good luck
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    when you eat too little for an extended period of time your body begins to hold onto everything it can and convert it to fat. When you raised your calories to a more suitable number, your body saw that as it's change to save some fat for the next bout of starvation. You'll have to give yourself time to recover from that. Stay away from the scale for awhile, you might even want to up your calories a bit more as 1200 is the BARE MINIMUM. Keep in mind you only have 5 lbs to go. It's going to be a long slow road to 125. The less you have, the slower you lose it.
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    But I am soooooo short. 1,200 calories will make me gain. I'm sure of it. But I will try.........
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have been with MFP since late January. Before I began I was eating around 1,000 calories daily, and was losing weight. Once I began following the guidelines here, which is around 1,200 calories daily, my weight loss stopped, and I have even regained a little. I am short 5'0"
    and I weigh 130. My goal is to weigh 125. I am frustrated. Am I eating too few calories? I am exercising, but not a tremendous amount. Walk Away the Pounds 30-40 mins 3x week. Help

    I would suggest eating 1200-1400 calories a day but you definately have to up your excercise if your physically ok to do so you should try 60min 5-6 times a week of Cardio with more intensity ...WATP is a great workout but I have found for myself even at 220lbs its just not enough to see results alone....your way smaller so you definately are going to need more intensity...try some of the biggest loser workouts or turbo jam...good luck BTW Im only 5ft as well
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'm 5'1 and when I was losing weight on here I was on 1200 calories and lost. Now I'm on maintaince and eating 1540 calories and haven't gained anything. 1000 is wayyyy to little to eat even us short folks:wink: I was also the same weight as you when I started so just trust and you will see results in no time:flowerforyou:
  • grimacy
    grimacy Posts: 15 Member
    Strength training is such a huge help when trying to lose weight and tone. The more muscle your body has the more you will burn and it boosts your metabolism. I personally workout with p90x and chalean extreme from beachbody and have never been happier. Good luck to you.
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    I have tried The Firm workouts, and they are tough. I have not felt challenges at all by the WATP videos. I was looking for an easy way out. I would rather eat less than exercise more. That is definitely what I must commit to doing. Thanks for holding me accountable.
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    I would not dip below 1200 calories. I would, however, up my exercise.
  • grimacy
    grimacy Posts: 15 Member
    What are WATP videos?
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    Walk Away the Pounds.
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