I am new and determined

My name is Renee... I am 41 and have always weighed about 120 to 130 lbs up until these past 4yrs. I now am 180. and I love fried foods. heck I love food period. But I dont like the mirror anymore and am determined to lose this weight. I have started diets but would get discouraged when I didnt see immediate results and would just give up. But I have a determination this year to lose weight even if its a little at a time. I was 188lbs not to long agao and begin cutting my portion size of my meals down and before I realized it i had lost 8lbs. so I have gone to the next extreme and started the slim fast diets using my fitness pal to help me along with it. Is there any advice from anyone would be nice. Oh one bad habit I have is I have a desk job and have constantly had the need to snack all day.


  • Welcome to MFP New & determined. I have a desk job too. Trick is what do you snack on? I had to stop myself from drinking pop and hitting the junk food machine. Now it's water and protein bars and pistachio nuts.
    good luck and again welcome to MFP
  • Thanks.. yes I have started with protein bars and water....I was use to chips and coffee with creamer all day..then would go out to eat with co workers for lunch. But I am on day 3 and its slim fast drink for lunch.
    But I think I should eat a good lunch and have slim fast for dinner? Doesnt that make more sense?
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Welcome ......
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