How much water is too much?

I drink water like a fish. Sometimes I'll drink an upwards of 14-16 cups (8 oz, not drinking cups). All was fine until yesterday, when my urine was clear. I thought that was kind of weird, so I searched online and found that it could be a sign of over-hydration (and diabetes, but that's a non-issue). When thinking of over-hydration, though, I've never thought as much as I drink could get you there... I'm thinking like gallons and gallons of water. Of course intake should be different for everyone based on weight, height, and activity level, but again, I don't think 112 oz is too much for someone who's 5'8 and 170, and works out anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half a day.
Am I fine chugging water the way I do? Or do I need to let up? Thanks in advance <3


  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    i also drink loooaaaaddss of water so i am very interested in the answer to this
  • Lucyk00
    Lucyk00 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm interested in this as well. (TMI?) My pee hasn't went clear yet, but I know that's b.c I'm taking two vitamins a day. But I wonder what the signs are (other then clear pee) of over hydration. Thanks for asking!
  • kesteele
    kesteele Posts: 127
    I try to drink around 2L or so of water....a day! What we were taught in school (I'm an exercise science major) is when your urine is clear you are hydrated. When it's yellow you're dehydrated. And when it's REALLY yellow you're dehydrated.....ever noticed when you've eaten something VERY high in salt it's really yellow???
  • Lemonaiding
    Lemonaiding Posts: 78 Member
    I drink 160 to 200 ounces of water daily. I feel fine and my body loves the hydration. It really depends on the person. I'm 5'6.5" and 161 pounds. I did find one thing I can't restrict when consuming that much water and it's sodium. When I restrict the sodium I start feeling sick and at one point my lips turned blue. Not a good thing. As soon as I introduced more sodium I felt so much better.
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    I drink about the same amount of water, and my pee is often very light to clear, but I'd always read that this was a good thing - that your pee SHOULD be most light/clear as a sign of hydration, not over-hydration, and that most people are dehydrated (which is why most of our pee is yellow/dark yellow. But this is just what I've heard, definitely not a definitive answer or anything : )
  • I found this. Maybe it will help answer some of your questions. But, Clear urine is a good sign.
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I heard that you should take your weight and divide by 2 and that's how many ounces of water you should have. So in your case, it would be 85 ounces but if you're working out for at least an hour, I would think that should go up because you really need to rehydrate a lot when you work out. I don't think 112 oz is too much. My pee is almost always nearly clear. Maybe see if a medical site (like WebMD or something of the like) has information?
  • I have heard the same thing about sodium. When you drink lots of water, you need to make sure you are getting enough sodium because the water depletes this level. :smile:
  • MaryM621
    MaryM621 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm pretty sure that amount of water is fine. Sometimes I drink about 20 glasses of water a day, and I'm fine (except having to pee all the time). And I'm pretty sure having clear urine is alright, in fact I thought is was actually a good thing. My mother is a nurse and I had the same concerns when I was younger, but she always said the clearer the better.

    So as far as I know your fine :)
  • Definitely a such thing as over hydration. I've heard of people having health issues with as much as 2 gallons of water per day. The key would be to balance your water and your electrolytes. That's why its always good to get a re-hydration drink like Gatorade or Powerade. They give you the electrolytes you don't get from plain water. The only downside is the sugar. - see here for reference.
  • nichole913
    nichole913 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'6" and about 150-160lbs (depending on the year). I've been drinking in excess of 120oz a day for years without issue. I also get regular checkups at the doc's due to my job. I just make sure to keep my electrolytes up with healthy food.
  • amyofftherecord
    amyofftherecord Posts: 64 Member
    I think you only have to worry about over-hydration when it's to the point of water poisoning (basically diluting your body with so much water that the sodium-and-other-stuff ratio gets too low. It's very rare but does happen. One example was a woman who drank roughly what you drink in a day over the course of about two hours. If you've been drinking that much for a while with no ill effects, you're probably fine. Maybe ask a doctor the next time you see one just in case, but I wouldn't stress.
  • I don't believe there is such a thing as too much water. I drink water all the time because I sweat so much when I work out and its a great way to cleanse your body daily. Water also keeps your body hydrated and helps with your skin. Keep it up just know that when you weigh yourself in the afternoon or evening you will probably be 1-2 lbs heavier because of your water weight. If anything just weigh yourself in the morning after you use the restroom to get your correct weight. I hope this helps.
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I think as long as you are eating a balanced diet, you are fine to drink that much water. Over-hydration only gets dangerous when you are doing some sort of endurance sport, and you are sweating a ton. At that point, your H2O to electrolytes balance goes bad, and it affects your cells.

    Eat fine, drink a lot of water, pee often, and you are alright.
  • Having clear urine is not a major issue you need to worry about..... actually its a good thing from what I have been taught throughout the years. When you consume too much water you will flush much of the sodium out of your body..... in severe cases people have died for drinking too much water and not taking in alot of sodium. When I say severe i mean people drinking more then 4 gallons during a day. If you start to feel really sick from drinking alot of water I would suggest that you add more sodium to your diet. But on the flip side of that, if you add too much sodium and not enough water you could get severe dehydration. I normally drink enough to make my urine clear and dont consume much more till it starts to turn yellow again. Hope this helps everyone out!!
  • mom111997
    mom111997 Posts: 101 Member
    My doctor told me that in a perfect world, our urine would always be clear. The reason for the yellow coloring is because that is all of the toxins that our kidneys are expelling from the foods/drinks we take in. If we're eating the correct foods and drinking the correct amount of water, then our urine should be clear. And yes, there is such a thing as too much water! It can make you sick because of the imbalance of electrolytes in your body. There has to be a balance - go with what feels right to you. If you feel sick after drinking a lot of water, switch to Gatorade or something like that. Or... just slow down and pace yourself. It isn't a race! :)
  • Clear urine is a good thing--it means that you are hydrated. Be sure to consume sodium when you are drinking this much water because it can cause electrolyte imbalances (hyponatremia...aka too much water and not enough salt, etc.) in your body and cause a few things to go wrong.
  • A gallon of water a day is too much. It will dehydrate you. Trust me, you will never feel more stupid than when you are sitting in a hospital with an IV rehydrating you because you drank too much water. That said, nearly clear urine is fine. Being extremely well hydrated is a good thing. I've had several doctors coment on how well hydrated I was when I had to leave a sample. Remember when you go in the toilet your urine is being diluted with a fairly large amount of water, which will make nearly clear urine look like plain water. Just be sure to keep it under a gallon a day.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I try to drink around 2L or so of water....a day! What we were taught in school (I'm an exercise science major) is when your urine is clear you are hydrated. When it's yellow you're dehydrated. And when it's REALLY yellow you're dehydrated.....ever noticed when you've eaten something VERY high in salt it's really yellow???

    Thats what I was taught also...barring vitamin intake that your urine should be clear to a pale yellow.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Unfortunately yes, it is possible to drink too much water. That's why in UK nightclub toilets for a while there was a poster campaign about looking after friends that had taken drugs and watching out that they didn't drink too much water. Apparently some drugs leave you feeling thirsty when you aren't.

    I also know there have been cases of people "addicted" to drinking water, and on occasion, this has lead to premature death through heart attacks.

    I think it has to be an extreme amount for that to happen though.