Sick of the "You're Not Fat"

KaceeDawn17 Posts: 23
edited October 7 in Motivation and Support
I used to be tiny. When I was like 5!!! I gained weight at a young age and because it was so out of control at that age it wasnt something that was easy to take control of as I got older. However, after my accident and weight gain I stepped on the scale at a whopping 246 and that was my breaking point. I was an 18 year old woman and weight almost 250 pounds. I was big, junior sized clothes didnt fit, I ate all the time, I was always hungry, always tired, never wanted to work out, or even get the littlest bit of exercise but most importantly, I didn't like myself. For all the reasons, healthy and appearance. So I decided I had enough. I went from a 12 pack of mountain dew a day to no pop at all. (I've now gone to diet mt.dew and I'm ok with that, no judgement passed please) I was eating around 1400 calories a day, which when I measured how much I was eating on a daily basis that was less than half! I was losing weight, exercising and feeling better. A lot happened, emotional stress that I wasn't strong enough to handle (not making an excuse just explaining my story) and I fell behind. I had got down to 210 and then I just quit. Luckily for me my habits had changed enough that even though I wasn't using MFP I only gained a few pounds back. And with just adding the gym in once a week with the guys I was able to drop down to about 208 and steady there. I just recently decided to do the MFP again and the app on my phone is my 2nd half. However, at work, at home, wherever, when I'm scanning barcodes and journaling every bite I eat I'm getting the "Why are you dieting, youre not fat" stuff. & I know a lot of it at home comes from concern because of the unhealthy ways I used to diet. But instead of the you're not fat comments why can't I get "GREAT! you're getting healthy, or good for you" comments."
I know I don't look as fat as the scale says I am, but newsflash people I am obese for my height and thats not gonna give me the extra years I'd like to see on my life. I need support, thats all.
Ughhh end rant I do suppose. If anyone wants to support me in my race to become the better me, whatever that shall be, add me =)
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