NSV (sort of?)

itsuki Posts: 520 Member
So I filled out my daily food and exercise for the day before going grocery shopping (which I've discovered is a terrible idea) so when I was in the checkout line I saw those Hostess apple pies on sale, and I thought to myself, "Self, you have enough calories and fat and whatnot leftover for today to eat one of these. You've been doing so well lately, you should have one!" So I bought one.

And I ate it. That's right, all 470 calories, 70 carbs, and 20g of fat of it. I'm pretty sure lard is one of the ingredients. I threw the wrapper away in shame after I entered the info onto MFP.

And now I feel terrrrrrrible.

Admittedly I'm still slightly under for calories, fat, and carbs for the day, but man, I feel like I'm going to puke. :P

So I guess it's a twofold victory: 1, clearly my body has gotten used to not eating processed sugary junk all the time, and 2, the next time I see one of those pies I will remember feeling this sick and I will NOT be tempted to buy one again, even if I do have enough calories left for it! :P


  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    lol WTG! also nice that you're not freaking out about 1 not so good for you snack!!
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