Cheaper Healthy Options/ Your fav snacks

I think part of the problem with the American population being overweight is being able to have junk at such affordable prices. But, some health food options are just a tad too much. I don't mind spending money on my meat alternatives and my milk along with other things. But, I'm just curious if anyone knows any cheaper healthy snacks. Besides, the obvious fruit/ veggies. I have been eating snap peas and edamame which are really yummy and give you that crunch you need as alternatives to chips.

So, my questions are as the topic states: What are some cheaper healthy options you may know of? Or, even just your favorite ones that are a tad more expensive so I can get some ideas rolling.


  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    air popped popcorn-I buy the kernals in bulk
    Carrots and hummus (roasted red pepper and vegetable garden are my fav)
    apple and natural peanut butter
    1.) yogurt
    2.) kashi granola
    3.) quaker rice cakes
    4.) fat free string cheese
    5.) almonds
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Baby Carrots & Hummus
    Popcorn (light or no butter)
    Pita Chips (not TERRIBLE for you if you like chips. Not badly priced)
    Greek Yogurt (has gotten surprisingly cheap over the last couple of favorite is Fage 0% with Honey)
    Hard Boiled Eggs
    Dry Cereal (As long as you get something low in calories/fat/sugar and high in nutrition)